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Everything posted by GratefulBread

  1. The letters are meant to be mathematic variables, so basically whatever number you think it is
  2. Every time scar tissue is created skin is weakened and at the same time tightens, thus making it able to be torn more easily. I'm not sure the nature of the incision but you could be dealing with that. Alternatively, it could be closer to when a high-level athlete gets an injury. Say you pull or tear a muscle, you might be ready to go back to work and lift a few heavy objects, but not necessarily ready to go back to vigorous, high intensity activity.
  3. Been using this occasionally for a little while now and its pretty nice for this purpose, heals irritation pretty well
  4. In a few recent threads I've seen several people discussing telling partners about our kinks. So now that I've recently re-entered the dating pool I'm curious- what sort of timeline should be followed here to kind of ease them into it? Also when can you be sure someone can be trusted with this information? General dating advice would also be greatly appreciated, only ever been in a long relationship so no idea how to date.
  5. The best thing to do is just bring it up with her, share with her what your desires and goals with your play are and open that communication. Even explain to her how you're a bit embarrassed to share all of this, because odds are she'll understand and be supportive as she has so far. I actually had a pretty similar dilemma with my gf. She would play with my butt, fist me, explore stretching width and depth, etc. But I never told her about prolapse-- until I did, figured it was just time I went ahead and told her, even if it was embarrassing. My thoughts basically were: "She already knows all this other stuff, what will it hurt to explain the rest?"
  6. I don't have a full prolapse, but I have a rosebutt and I've been stretching for about ten years now. So far I haven't noticed many issues, even when squatting ass-to-grass. When doing conventional stance deadlift I've noticed a bit of pressure and strange feeling back there, nothing major. I haven't tried sumo deadlift so no experience with it though. The only somewhat major problems I've faced are occasional hemorrhoids and one time I had a small brown stain in my boxers after squatting, only about the size of a US nickel. The main thing I'd try to keep in mind is to clench your sphincter before performing your valsalva maneuver (bracing your core).
  7. They're probably just not into it and it's evident by their body language and actions. Just doing it for the paycheck and all.
  8. So every few months, maybe twice a year I get a pretty bad hemorrhoid flare up, usually caused from wiping too hard or being too rough on my ass in general. When I end up with a hemorrhoid I start feeling like I'm going to be unable to do my hobby forever, even if it is just a few weeks off. How can I avoid these feelings of doom and gloom? Is the key just reaching myself patience when it comes to these things? Also any other hemorrhoid/anal strain advice would be greatly appreciated, currently using witch hazel and ice, then putting on a thin layer of Vermont Bag Balm.
  9. When it comes to depth silicone toys are almost the only option, finding something thin, flexible, and strong enough not to break is next to impossible. If shipping is the problem you can always have something delivered to the local post office and go pick it up, though if the problem is hiding the toys, you'll need to find a good safe hiding place.
  10. Alrighty, so they're both soft-to-medium silicone, and they're shaped like those foam footballs https://m.aliexpress.com/item/1005001699965624.html?spm=a2g0n.detail.0.0.734a4661S6WRyo&gps-id=platformRecommendH5&scm=1007.18499.187582.0&scm_id=1007.18499.187582.0&scm-url=1007.18499.187582.0&pvid=4450cd41-ddf7-47ef-9baf-accc942aa1ee&_t=gps-id%3AplatformRecommendH5%2Cscm-url%3A1007.18499.187582.0%2Cpvid%3A4450cd41-ddf7-47ef-9baf-accc942aa1ee%2Ctpp_buckets%3A668%230%23131923%237_668%23888%233325%238_8499%230%23187582%234_8499%234696%2321885%2319_668%232846%238107%231934_668%232717%237562%23417__668%233374%2315176%23329&browser_id=6baf5619a5f448619efd78c85f1f70a3&aff_trace_key=&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=n9w6gnybwyqcawtn17880c26ba7178a76b691ec0b6&gclid=
  11. I've got two nearly identical plugs from AliExpress, one 7cm and the other 8cm. I need a suggestion for something in between, around 7.5cm. Any recommendations?
  12. Once things get up past a certain point your body's natural movements will likely just push them deeper rather than back out There was a thread on here recently about a feller who got an apple stuck inside, ended up having to take a trip to the emergency room, I'd take that as a cautionary tale
  13. There's really a public menace out here synthesizing the scent of cum? What a time to be alive.
  14. If it hasn't come out in that time i don't think your body will be able to push it out, you might just be out of luck. Best option is to have your gf try to get her hand around it and pull it out. Have you tried massaging your abdomen to help push it out?
  15. For a lot of people it's mental, they like challenging themselves and feeling new and exciting sensations. Personally at a certain depth I hit a wonderful spot that makes me hard as diamond instantly. But everyone is different, don't feel like you have to explore depth because other people are doing it or encouraging it, just do whatever makes you comfortable and happy.
  16. Best bet for UPS is to find a UPS drop location or have them hold it for pickup with UPS My Choice For USPS some post offices will allow you to have your packages dropped off there provided you pick them up within 30 days and don't have tons of packages coming all the time, you'd likely just have to ask your local USPS For FedEx I have no experience, so I can't really help there
  17. So I've come to the conclusion I want to try poppers again. My last use resulted in a gnarly sinus infection, so I'm trying to avoid that. I believe the sinus infection was caused by overdose as it was my first time and I went really hard. (Like 4, maybe 5 deep inhalations within an hour.) My question is- what is a proper dosage? How many hits in an hour? And how can I keep up with it?
  18. Vitamin E and Jojoba oil are often used in piercing for ear stretching to prevent/treat scarring and to promote a moist, healing environment, so it makes sense they help with other areas of stretching. The only difference I would think is ear stretching is stretching of the skin, and anal stretching is stretching of a muscle, which isn't all that different. Skin stretching is just a much slower process (1mm/1-3months depending on the person) where muscle stretching can be achieved a decent bit faster than that with a good routine.
  19. How do you get lube deep enough for deep insertions? My current method is to take a little lube syringe and push about two syringes worth into myself and then use the dildo to work the lube deeper, but it feels like the tip of the dildo ends up drying out and not wanting to get deeper as a result. Should I mix the lube thicker? Thinner? Is my body just absorbing it? What's going on here?
  20. What brand did you use? The one time I tried them a few weeks ago I used Jungle Juice and got a wicked sinus infection. I can't tell if it was allergies or the poppers though and I'm a bit afraid to try again. Though I couldn't agree more, they make me feel all hot and that light head pounding is almost euphoric, my warmups went much faster as well which was awesome.
  21. What's the name of those toys? I've been looking for something for depth training but I can't find those
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