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About fun4younme20

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  1. I was hoping people can share their pumping knowledge and experiences here for those who are just starting out with no experience. I just bought my first pump (a 2in dia penis pump) and am wondering how to use it, exactly. How many pumps do I start with (assuming I have little prolapse to start with)? How long do I hold the pump on? Should I start pumping the outside lips first or start inside? Are there different pumping techniques for prolapse versus fat ass lips? How do I know when I have gone too far? How many times (or how long) should I take between stages? (ex. how many times should I pump 4 times per session before increasing it) How do I know if I am doing it right? I, and hopefully every other beginner, appreciates your responces!
  2. I normally spend 30min twice a week shoving in and out 2" and 3" buttplugs and my ass is never sore.
  3. Nobody has any suggestions? How about I rephrase the question: Without a vacuum pump but with lots of toys (large toys), what do I have to do to get a rosebutt? How often per week do I have to stretch and shove things into my hole? Assuming I kept up the routine, how long (months, years?) before I see results? I know many, many different people have asked and have been told how long it took to acheive a proplase, but I'm not looking to break any records and I don't yet have a pump. Right now, there are some previews of videos advertised above this window and one of them shows a chick with yellow and blue clips hanging off her prolapse...that is longer then what I am looking for just to give you an idea. I hope to share some pics of my results once I achive what I'm looking for.
  4. I know what I want to achieve, but I don't know how to get there. I want to have a rosebutt/prolapse similar to what Bubdzia has achieved. I can already take 3" dia plugs without much effort, yet my hole looks as normal as can be. So, my question is, what do I have to do and how often do I have to do it?
  5. I have several times - a 2.5" dia plug. Its a little big to be walking around with. For me, (I'm pretty slim BTW) it definitely affects how I walk and after an hour or so my butt is trying pretty hard to push the plug out. Perhaps a smaller plug or just some anal beads would be a lot easier to handle and retain for long periods.
  6. I guess its mostly personal preference. Depends a lot on one's lifestyle. I already wear and use diapers, so its not much of a lifestyle change for me. Due to my diet and metabolism I only use the backdoor once every 3-5 days anyway. But right now, I kinda of have to stop what I am doing in order to go to the bathroom. I feel it would be easier if it just came out on its own....
  7. Any one have any ideas or past experiences on how to intentionally give myself a loose butthole (ie. external sphincter is too weak to hold in anything). The reason I ask is because I am bladder incontinent and am a diaper lover. I find myself attracted to the idea of being bowel incontinent too. I see so many people on here with extremely gaped holes or long rosebutts who have been working at it for years and still retain their butthole's functionality. I have been abusing my butthole/rectum for years with buttplugs (2.5" to 3" wide), food and various suppositories and still retain plenty of holding ability. I guess I am thinking that the external sphincter + rectum is really too strong to be damaged by relatively non-painful buttplay.
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