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Anus producing natural lube

Guest Hugeass

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Guest Hugeass
What is this stuff that my anus is producing, it's like a natural lube, sort of clear jelly like lube. I've read that lots of people get it when they stretch, but never understood what it is, can anyone enlighten me?
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I get it too. I think it is the "fluid" that help the feces move down the bowel. However when you've flushed out and it's empty inside it has no natural purpose but lube for whatever going in. Now I wonder... is it not advisable to lick it up? My wife rims me a lot and this usually comes out when I stretch but she wipes it away, but I try to convince her taking it in her mouth. I assume it's not dangerous in any way...?
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The mucous is indeed a kind of "natural lube" that the body produces to ease the passage of feces. In its pure state, I'm sure it's as "clean" as anything else your body will produce. However, taking into account where it comes from, it's likely to be mixed with water from your pre-play enema (if you do that) and small bits of fecal matter. While not necessarily dangerous, it's probably not recommended to swallow.
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Its actually a normal secretion from what is called the goblet cells in the large intestine. It is in fact the lube that the body produces once it is triggered by something being in the intestinal tract. Its the body's way of easing the passage of material. Through anal play you are just simply overstimulating the globet cells to produce the mucous. It shouldn't be ingested by others but thats for more concerns like e-coli bacteria. otherwise I'd say nature has made a way for anal play therefore.... play on!!!!
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I've found that if you want to have this mucous around when you play, wait a little bit. What I do is have my pre play enema and ride a beginning toy (dick rambone), and then wait like 10-15 minutes before actually playing. For me, there is a ton of mucous, and my insides are a LOT more sensitive. Happy playing!
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