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Everything posted by prolaptotron

  1. you realise you can post a link without having to use the full web address as the link, right? just because that looks way messy, even messier than the smiley face and picture holocaust preceding it.
  2. QUOTE(Tangerine @ May 10 2007, 08:32 PM) [snapback]20704[/snapback] For me the right question now is : do U want to see images in the RSBB treads or just links? Just links won't feed my visual needs, I must confess. So, back to the 90' ? (^ ^) links are no fun and easily ignored, if you want people to see a picture, you oughta post it. but i guess the basic idea here is - don't overdo it and moreover don't post too large an image. personally i think around 400x400 is a good size, but then that's what i tell all the ladies.
  3. tangerine posted some similarly crazy pictures here.
  4. holy fucking shit. now please tell me that the rip in your spandex pants happened incredible hulk style and wasn't pre cut. seriously, you'd make an excellent super hero if you could do that... LITTLE TIMMY: "OH NOES! UNCLE CHARLIE HAS FALLEN DOWN THE WELL!!!" LYCRAFAN: "NEVER FEAR TIMMY, CAPTAIN COLOSTOMON IS HERE!!! (HNNNNNNNNNNG, SPLUTT!)"
  5. emotional blackmail is clearly the way to go then.
  6. i totally 100% agree 100% kdm totally. it is also intensely annoying when trying to read a thread and it's all jumping about all over the place because different size pictures are appearing around the page as they load. people ought to show some god damn self restraint with the amount and size of pictures in signatures, i mean it's especially annoying when someone, like, for instance TANGERINE*, (who in a moment of extatic rapture at finding the <img> tag has clearly created this modern art masterpiece in his signature) then posts a fucking lot of times all in the same thread - resulting in the combined length of post and signature causing the page to be practically long enough to wear out one's mouse wheel and/or patience. i only post pictures once in a while, and only when they are 'piss your pants' funny, and even then i make sure it's not going to break any margins by a long shot or even so much as smell like having a large file size. it's just common courtesy. i hate having to play 'find the relevent text amongst the warholian collage' but i'm not that pissed off as i sound here, it's no big deal, it'd just be slightly better if i didn't have to see the same picture bombardment a hundred times per thread, or see some other pictures posted randomly that don't even make me laugh one little bit and could have not been posted in the first place and i'd enjoy the whole experience more. *no offence intended, i said 'for instance' which is like 'hypothetically' only a bit more bourgeois, but yeah, you were just already in this thread and happened to be dancing about wearing a hat with 'perfect example of this' written all on it. ain't no beef.
  7. QUOTE(bifemjen69 @ Apr 29 2007, 07:09 AM) [snapback]16789[/snapback] I am looking for ideas to do to my hubby...I'm open for all please...thanks for your help. buy him some beer!!!
  8. QUOTE(Bimboy @ Apr 25 2007, 07:12 AM) [snapback]15187[/snapback] Go see a doctor ! and tell him you have athlete's ass.
  9. this seems to me like just another way for plastic surgeons to make even more money than they do already. anyone who is into anal sex will surely not be put off by the fact there's a slightly different coloured skin tone down there. but the fact is that most people probably hadn't even thought about it before they found out about the (w)hole bleaching process. the added bonus of the cream giving you ass cancer is not a selling point either. crazy.
  10. you need to be more comfortable with your individuality man. maybe grow a beard.
  11. in a sense i would consider 1984 and brave new world sci-fi although their scope goes way beyond that, and classics they certainly are. if you have not read them then do so, they will make your penis unfeasibly large.
  12. QUOTE(qwebec @ Apr 21 2007, 08:54 PM) [snapback]13763[/snapback] Hi! I'd like to ask if it's safe to play with round things like apples and other such stuff. I'd like to give it a try but I'm afraidd it may get stuck inside. Do you have any experiencewith such things? i'm no expert on this but i heard somewhere that an apple a day keeps the doctor away so it's probably kosher.
  13. QUOTE(Tangerine @ Apr 19 2007, 11:57 AM) [snapback]12782[/snapback] Surrenders of what, pancake headed & goatsed proltrol ? war? "oh no, do nut menshiun ze warré!!!!" (en français...), and there'll be another one post haste unless these hommes and madams cease the use of this crazy made up language. i watch 'allo allo'. so i know my shit.
  14. anllover, you have just gained about 100 man points!
  15. yeah, how about it you snail eating surrenderers
  16. click this for the rosebutt national anthem
  17. a new kream preview featuring this spectacular 'blink and you'll miss it' moment:-
  18. and all he got was this lousy t-shirt.
  19. QUOTE(Minx @ Apr 18 2007, 10:14 AM) [snapback]12284[/snapback] Anyone want to give me their thoughts on a well developed pelvic floor and serious pain??? they're both OKAY in my book.
  20. from now on, instead of trying to reason logically with truly, i will turn his own formidable powers of retardation against him;- for instance, by simply hilighting the most halfwitted section of any of his posts, and thus holding it up to public scrutiny, he may be encouraged to actually think before he begins mashing away at his drool soaked keyboard whilst attempting to join a few irrelevant words together into some sort of context. QUOTE And desensitization only occurs through lack of expansion in the mind. Just change variables in YOUR mind how you think about a certain thing: no need to even change the variables. The best way to do this is through cognitive association techniques. Am I blowing YOUR MIND, now? ROFLCOPTERS!
  21. this town ain't big enough fer the both of us...
  22. now i have something to put in my signature.
  23. QUOTE(anllover @ Apr 13 2007, 12:20 PM) [snapback]10775[/snapback] prolatotron, i think the real man music i had might have just taken a blow.... i just deleted 2 albums from anal cunt. they are a soar throat band..... but just dont do it for me. anal cunt are as you found - not very good; try pig destroyer or something, but i'm not so much into grindcore so i can't recommend too much.
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