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Everything posted by plugg

  1. I've been playing and sleeping with plugs on and off for years, but have only been as dedicated as I am now for about a year. I do have a few harder plugs, including a couple of metal ones, but the ones I wear pretty much exclusively are made from a very soft form of silicone so they're super squishy and comfy for long term wear. The softness also means they move with me and therefore don't poke or put targeted pressure on things. I haven't noticed any problems with numbness or blood flow and have never had any blood on my plug or in the toilet. Sometimes things ache a bit when I'm working on sizing up, but I've never experienced sharp or sudden alarming pain. I want to be full and stretched but I DO NOT want to need to go to the hospital! When I'm not plugged I can definitely sense the emptiness especially when I first take it out, and when I havent been able to plug all day (if I'm on my period, for example) my ass legitimately starts to crave it. It's like I feel horny but it's totally centered on my asshole. I don't do clit denial, but I'm not into vaginal at all and I only ever let myself cum if I'm plugged. Empty ass equals no orgasm. As for sleeping, yeah I really don't know how or why it's comfortable for me to sleep with plugs this size but it is and I'm very grateful. I do think the soft plugs help a lot.
  2. I'm plugged 20-ish hours a day every day (except when I'm on my period) and sleep plugged every night. I use either the Squarepeg Egg XL (8.5" max circ) or XXL (9.3" max circ) depending on what's comfortable at the moment, and I can say that there's nothing painful or unpleasant about long-term wear of plugs of that size. I'm planning to add the Topped 100 (10" max circ) and slowly phase off the XL. I realize in the scheme of things these aren't huge, but I think they're larger than most people (probably not people on this board, lol) would think of as comfortable. Use silicone lube overnight (yes you can use silicone lube with these particular plugs even though they're silicone), choose a soft plug (Topped is a good choice), and make sure you have enough fiber in your diet to keep things clean. I don't do enemas or douches and 99% of the time my plugs come out clean because I take fiber and my body has gotten used to being plugged. Fyi about relubing throughout the day, while I am certainly not suggesting that lube isn't important, I think it the talk of constantly relubing is exaggeration or people who aren't as familiar with semipermanent plug usage. I use water-based lube during the day and never have to take my plug out to relube JUST to relube. Why do I take my plug out? To pee. When you get up to larger sizes it becomes difficult to pee while plugged because of internal pressure. That's when you relube if necessary or, as in my case, reactivate the lube with a bit of water and slip the plug back in. Honestly, plugging becomea routine for you you're going to find that too much lube is actually a problem for retention. You don't want a dry plug, but you do want something that'll nestle in and grip a bit. Anyway, best of luck. Permanent 24/7 is my biggest fantasy too, and while that may not be practical I'm happy with what I am able to achieve.
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