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Everything posted by imsnowman72

  1. Oranges or similar can be strung on a string.
  2. If you buy the right shape with a bit of slope to the outer end it will be easier to hold in.
  3. I guess I thought you might have some thoughts about why this site doesn't work the way you want it to work? If you answer that question maybe you can affect change. But, I guess you were just venting.
  4. Why do you think that the site doesn't allow simple uploads?
  5. I think that all of the sites will be getting stricter. Probably why this site did away with the collection posters they used to have.
  6. That is my favorite toy. Can't take it all (probably never will due to pelvic bone structure( but it's fun to try! Nery much cheaper from Amazon.https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00I5WNWGE/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
  7. There used to be several posters whose posts consisted entirely of photos obviously collected off the Internet. I saved links to several of my favorites. Now when I click those links I get the following message; Oops! You do not have permission to view this topic. Does anyone know why the posts disappeared or if they're still available for those with "permission"?
  8. I find this one to be quite a challenge. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00I5WNWGE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. Good luck. Let us know how it goes. Thank you.
  10. CROTON SEEDS: Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews (webmd.com)
  11. I love them either way but have a thing for swollen.
  12. If you read it you'll find citations to professional medical studies.
  13. https://www.vice.com/en/article/5dgpp5/er-bizarre-household-objects-in-butt
  14. Good answer Rosebutt. Have you tried pumping the inside? I'm not consistent with it but for me, it just smooths out the wrinkles.
  15. Does anyone use one? Any recommendations? Thank you
  16. I'd go with produce. Wash before insertion to remove any remaining farm chemicals. I do use toys but haven't bought any in long time.
  17. Sydfist, that's a great reply. How did you get to the place where you're so open?
  18. Not necessarily. English is probably not his native language.
  19. So the vibrations/sensations probably bounced off the floor and back into you. A mattress would have dampened them.
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