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Everything posted by Angiecd

  1. Most people won't prolapse without a lot of pumping work. The idea that fisting/stretching leads to a prolapse is a myth for most people. There may be an exception - people with certain rare genetic connective tissue disorders.
  2. Please stop with the glass jars! It is only a matter of time. You don't want to be "that guy"!
  3. This is not true in my experience. If you never push the limits, you will never increase the stretch. Secondly, the body needs time to rest/recover after pushing the limits, for a few days at least. Research of stretching regular muscles shows that doing consistent stretches every day does not lead to greater flexibility than doing it twice a week. Similar to regular fitness, doing the same amount each day does not improve fitness, increasing intensity followed by a few rest days does.
  4. jjgoodlay is talking shit (pun intended) anal play doesn't prevent you from pooping naturally. There are indeed risks AzFrNick mentioned, namely perforation, getting objects stuck (I don't insert wide short objects for this reason - they can and will get stuck past your sigmoid colon if you give them half a chance) as well as additional risks if you do drugs and are not fully aware of what you are doing to your body. I very much agree with AzFrNick with avoiding 'found' objects, these objects can have unexpectedly sharp bits and can also provide unexpected chemical exposures. One additional warning: stay away from glass toys/objects, I was young and stupid once and one broke, and while I didn't go to the emergency room (bleeding did stop reasonably quickly and no perforation, object was not very deep), that was the last time I was going to risk glass...
  5. The answer is none, because toys don't cause prolapse. But if you don't yet own a toy the size of BAM, I second the vote, it is the only toy I have consistently used for years.
  6. Yes, it straightens temporarily through play. My progression was just single 2" wide 18" dildo, then a second one and then the DJ BAM toy. (Which by the way, is still my favourite/most used toy since it is now my warm up toy and the first toy that gave me an "anal orgasm", which occurs due to the bladder, prostate and rectum being stimulated with enough pressure at the same time). Then a few longer/wider toys peaking with the 3.2" wide Ignite BMF Exxtreme Goose (it is a fist shaped toy and I think I have the "large", which is not the largest one). I could take that one about 14" deep, but that was a few years ago and I can't take it deep now. That is about as large as I'd ever want to go, at least depth wise. As above, be careful (don't take meth!), listen to your body and my advice to kcolyrf is to stay away from glass toys too... In terms of frequency, you need to let your body rest for a few days after play, if you are pushing your boundaries. Just like stretching other muscles, doing it every day doesn't actually lead to more flexibility. Likewise, using a buttplug for many hours isn't going to help. It is the gradual increase of the stretch over months/years that helps.
  7. I've been stuck at 3.75" for years, I guess I have some work to do!
  8. As far as I know, pumping is the only sure fire way of safely (relatively) achieving a prolapse. There are many people who have been playing with butt plugs for years who do not have a prolapse, I am not convinced that you can achieve one simply though regular butt play. Perhaps this can be something you look forward to after college?
  9. Car accidents are no joke, driving is probably the single most dangerous thing that most people take for granted. Luckily she's not paralysed, and it looks like she's getting top notch medical care, so things could certainly have been much worse!
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