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Everything posted by megabajtek1

  1. I don't have much experience, but I noticed that when you try to push out when he puts his hand in, your goal should be quickly. I do this with a large dildo and sometimes I surprise myself
  2. In my opinion, you should talk to your girlfriend about your preferences, because once you get married, you will be struggling for the rest of your life, and believe me, it's better for her to kick you now than after the wedding. It's best to look for a partner who will be happy to help you with your pleasure. My wife knows about my passion and sometimes she offers a helping hand although I never force her to do so. He doesn't even mind my purchase in a sex shop, the only condition is to hide it from the rest of the family. It's easier, nicer and stress-free this way.
  3. Hi maybe you are allergic to the material the enema kit is made of or you use some agent that causes irritation. I recommend using a shower set and try using clean water, but make sure it is not too warm.
  4. hey, a few years ago I read about a case where an elderly woman was using the toilet on an airplane and, in order not to make the bathroom stink, she flushed the toilet while sitting on it, the negative pressure stretched her intestines over a meter she survived without any major damage to her health Maybe the trick is to use a large cylinder with vacuum and not one with a small diameter, but this is just my opinion
  5. Hey, 9 cm is a lot, I recommend not to rush and buy a little smaller, preferably 7-8 cm at the beginning and 9 at the end, and practice whenever you have the opportunity I also once had a problem with an 8.5 cm dildo, but I worked on it and now I can take a 10 cm dildo. time and stretching are the path to success
  6. Hello to all big dildo enthusiasts Some time ago I bought a big dildo with a diameter of 10 cm (dildo 1) unfortunately I managed You only need to put it on once, but if it was once, it will be again i bought another dildo with the same diameter on ali (Dildo 2) and as it turned out it was hard at first but I started taking breaks for 1 day and after a few days full went inside, I practiced a few more days and today after a short warm-up, 1 dildo made of quite hard material went in like nothing and the moment of passing through the sphincter was awesome:) for those willing to buy a dildo2, note the material is very slippery and can get in even if you don't expect it, it's just awesome but to get it all in you need to put something under it because the end of the 3 thickenings is close to the end but I recommend this dildo it's great
  7. thanks for the answer and for those interested I found a bulk of 12 packages at a good price https://www.premierhh.co.uk/optilube-sterile-lubricating-gel-82g.html
  8. Hello everyone, I have a question, what lubricant do you use to stretch the pee hole in your penis and what is the best size to start :)
  9. Hey, I use the shower once I took off the tip but now my ass is so loose that I only change the pressure on the lid and it goes by itself while letting the water in. I tighten my anus as if I swallowed the water, I corrected it after 10 minutes and it's clean. sorry for the grammar but i'm using a translator :)
  10. hey, I bought a stainless thermos flask in aldi with a shape that narrows downwards and I admit it is the best device for stretching the ass because the small difference between the individual sections is 8 cm at the bottom and 9.5 at the top after a long time I swallow most of the length shape like the one in the picture https://www.westwardscania.ie/shop/scania-xt-orange-flask/ but value like in aldi before you buy, check if it is smooth and if the size fits you, you won't regret it:) I also have a nice port wine bottle but bigger at the base https://www.orkneywine.co.uk/online-store/larboard/
  11. there is mine top video https://www.xnxx.com/video-161nah22/worlds_biggest_pussy_swallows_colossal_dildo_to_the_fucking_base https://www.xnxx.com/video-q5mcb9/amateur_milf_rides_big_black_dildo https://sv.xhamster.com/videos/extreme-deep-anal-fist-1024191
  12. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003921936234.html
  13. I do practically every day in the shower also rinse out nothing extraordinary while stretching the anus a little i have been doing this for many years and so far i have not died but you have to remember about the temperature inside, do not feel like the temperature is too high so i recommend shower with a thermostat then you will not damage anything in
  14. I will give you advice I recommend you to buy a pumped dildo and stretch a little every day in the shower and you will not notice how you will mount your biggest dildo
  15. Unfortunately my ass has reached its limit a few days ago, after a strong warm-up, I had a piece that I bought for a different purpose, but the perfect size (thermos) Perfect shape with a diameter of 7.5 mm at the thinnest end and 8.7 at the thickest.From the thinner side without a problem, but after turning it, unfortunately it was not possible, my sphincter went through a swelling but I could not go any deeper because the thermos was leaning on the bones of the cochlea.Maybe if I added to the weight of the body it would be possible, but I'm afraid that this (dildo) and bones will work like a cutter and cut the already soaked tissue inside. Until now, the maximum hard object in my ass was 8.5mm in diameter and a soft one that can be slightly squeezed 10mm and it seems to me that here is my limit, sad. :( Thanks for reading and what do you think about it
  16. I believe that a few forum members can take 4 female hands and there will be room for more
  17. Hey, I used to ask my wife to fisting my ass but I noticed she didn't enjoy it and I secretly recorded her reactions during fisting. Now I know, I was right she was doing it just because I wanted . I know that she doesn't like it, so I'm not asking her anymore
  18. hey, unfortunately, you have to take into account that aliexpress things sometimes come great and sometimes not. Buy and write if it was worth it. I recently bought https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002563805243.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.471e4c4dXqkCKC and https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005002945087820.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.471e4c4dXqkCKC it was worth the good quality and fast delivery
  19. hey i bought some toys from ali and i'm very happy the good quality only negative is the waiting time
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