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Weightlifting & Prolapse


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I need advice. I have always wanted to get the prolapse dream same as everyone else here. But one of my other passisions is weightlifting.

My concern and question is, if I start to develop my prolapse, am I at risk of it becoming an isssue with weightlifting? Will I lose control of it or risk it popping out when lifting heavy?

Does anyone else with prolase and weightlifting have any experience with this?

Thanks in advance.

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I don't have a full prolapse, but I have a rosebutt and I've been stretching for about ten years now. So far I haven't noticed many issues, even when squatting ass-to-grass. When doing conventional stance deadlift I've noticed a bit of pressure and strange feeling back there, nothing major. I haven't tried sumo deadlift so no experience with it though. The only somewhat major problems I've faced are occasional hemorrhoids and one time I had a small brown stain in my boxers after squatting, only about the size of a US nickel. 

The main thing I'd try to keep in mind is to clench your sphincter before performing your valsalva maneuver (bracing your core).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have a prolapse but I can take 4" plug and have monster lips and my hole itself protrudes quite far when straining because my perineum is so stretched.
I can definitely feel it protruding when squatting heavy and I haven't done leg press in ages mainly because of that (because you can probably see it pushing through pants, not because it causes any problems to me whatsoever). Also deadlifting feels a bit weird when maxing out, especially sumo stance with belt.

Nothing so major it would prevent me from stretching wider and deeper or trying to increase my lifts. I've already deadlifted more that 600lb/270kg both stances and squatted ~445/200

If i'm horny it actually feels good to have so trashed hole <_<

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