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How long do y'all take breaks after bleeding?

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So I'm pretty sure everyone here has had some light bleeding every now and then. And i was wondering how long people take breaks after they discover bleeding and how severe the bleeding has to be for yall to consider taking a break. 

For instance a lot of people will have had a pink ish hue to their lube after stretching. Do you already take a break if this happens? 

And in the case of a tiny amount of bright red streaks of blood? (talking about not more than 1 ml blood mixxed with lube)

And have any of you experienced more severe bleeding than stated above? 


So tldr;

When you find a tiny amount of blood do you take a break? And for how long do you take a break?


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I've had times I get a little bit of red blood, that goes away if I keep playing, I've had times I left a small blood spot on my boxers, that thankfully only happened once.  But I'm an irregular player right now so usually by the next time I can everything is fine.  With more than just a touch of red I usually give a day or 2, the time it was kinda bad, I went a week or so.  

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My understanding is that if it's just light pink with no darker streaks, that's rectal lining and as long as you don't play any harder than you have been, that should be fine.

If I see actual blood, I take a break at the least. There have been a few times where I felt like I should stop for the day, and normally by next day or next session it doesn't repeat.

Other than that, there have been two occasions where I stopped for healing - the first one was a hemorrhoid which was painful AF, and the second was just recently where I went too big and had bleeding every time I tried something for the month after. Now, things seem to be okay.

I would say if you see blood, don't panic (unless there's a lot!) but be really cautious.

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There is no certain answer without investigating the cause of the bleeding. For me, no amount of time would fix it but after years of trial and error I managed to stop it. You can read the full developing story here: 


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