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  1. Cool, thanks for the links! Were there any tips you might have for making sure I'm getting these toys where they need to go, instead of angling for perforation?
  2. Hi all, I've been stretch training for ~5 years now, and I'm at the point where I'm using XL or larger toys - my current go-tos are the Rabbit XXL - which I use for warm-up - and the Prince Charming XXL and Boss Hogg XXL. I also got the LW Tip XXXL, but it's so big that the medium-firm density is too firm for my hole, so I had to ditch it and will eventually get it again in the 75%-soft density to see if that works out better. I've been focusing on width, because I really like the stretch...but the toys are starting to get long, which means I need to work on length training. Currently I can take the Boss Hogg down to around 8-9 inches, but I can't seem to get past that. I bought a Cole XL for the shape, and while I can get down and start working on the knot, I've noticed that more often than not I bleed after I'm done going as far down on it as I can. I didn't realize the Cole was the only toy causing this at first, but the last 3 sessions I didn't use it, and I haven't had any bleeding. I'm not sure why this is the case - I don't normally bleed when I toy, absent some bad decisions when it comes to experimenting (the LW Tip, for example), so I wonder if the issue is that I suspect it's because the pointed tip of the Cole is going up further than the Boss Hogg can, but not into the sigmoid like it should be. I'm looking at getting a different, narrower toy for depth training, kinda like the Venomous Tongue or maybe the Seahorse (NOT the XXXL!). But I definitely want to make sure that a small tip doesn't actually perforate if it hits the same spot that the Cole has been hitting. Any tips for making sure length training works well?
  3. I have this as well, usually after using a big toy for a while. But it's never been to the point that I couldn't piss at all. What I think is happening is that the anal ring is bigger to begin with, from taking bigger things like fists and huge toys, and play causes it to expand into the bladder somehow. When this happens, I can still piss - but it takes like 30 seconds for the flow to start, and I have to "finagle" my muscles to allow the urine to travel up to the urethra.
  4. My understanding is that if it's just light pink with no darker streaks, that's rectal lining and as long as you don't play any harder than you have been, that should be fine. If I see actual blood, I take a break at the least. There have been a few times where I felt like I should stop for the day, and normally by next day or next session it doesn't repeat. Other than that, there have been two occasions where I stopped for healing - the first one was a hemorrhoid which was painful AF, and the second was just recently where I went too big and had bleeding every time I tried something for the month after. Now, things seem to be okay. I would say if you see blood, don't panic (unless there's a lot!) but be really cautious.
  5. Like Rosebutt said, there should be no acute pain. I've been stretching for close to 5 years now, and I started from a little vibrator dildo to buying the LW Tip XXXL. Here are the tips I've picked up to avoid pain. Use more lube than you think you need. Use more lube than you think you need. This is important enough to state twice. Taper is important. I find that I need a narrow(ish) tip to open things up. For an example of bad taper...early on I tried the American Bombshell Shockwave, and I couldn't fit that thing no matter how I tried. (It's discontinued now, which may mean I'm far from the only one to have problems.) Firmness matters. When I started, I used anything I could find that had a decent shape. But if you're intent on going bigger, you need to pay attention to what your body can support. Here is my gauge, based on experience (and pain experienced): < 2-inch diameter: Anything that's pthalate free. (This is a given, I won't state it again.) < 3-inch diameter: Anything that isn't hard silicone. I gave myself a hemorrhoid with a hard silicone buttplug. That was a month of pain I could have avoided. 3-4-inch diameter: PVC was too firm for me by the time I got to this point, so my toys in this range are all medium-firm (mrhankeys) or medium (Bad-Dragon). > 4-inch diameter: Use your best judgment. My Boss Hogg XXXL is medium-firm, but the LW Tip XXXL I bought hurt me with medium-firm, so I'm looking to re-buy in 75% soft after the Prince Charming XXXL worked out at that firmness. Work on length as well as width. I focused on width for most of the time I've been stretching, and now I'm at the point where most of the toys at the width I want are longer than I've been training on. So don't ignore length, or you'll get to the point I'm at, where I'm having to go back and re-train for length. This method has been mostly acute-pain-free, and I called out where I had problems. Hopefully this helps.
  6. I do it on the weekends (2-3 days a week), for hours at a stretch. It didn't take long after I started my stretching sessions that my fuckhole would tingle and itch like crazy starting a day or so after I finish. When it gets really bad, I just put a finger in when I'm showering and work my anus open - that seems to reset the timer, so to speak. Also:
  7. It used to be that I would need to shit almost every day. Now, it's every 2-3 days. Starting about a year and a half ago, I noticed that my turds would be more than 2 inches in diameter for a few days after I play - and that's if the stars aligned and enough material dropped into my rectum for me to feel the peristalsis effect. The first time that happened and I looked in the bowl, I was very surprised since I wasn't expecting to have a simple time with such a large turd. It got to where I would have to watch the toilet and plunge it if the turd didn't fit in the bore of the toilet channel. If it's firm, it will just drop out as soon as I exert a tiny bit. But with a fudge consistency, I usually have to hop in the shower if available and do a quick rinse.
  8. I do it because I've always had an anal fetish, and in the last few years I've had the time and the income to indulge it - to the point where I'm now taking the Rabbit XXXL all the way down to almost the base, as well as the Prince Charming XXXL and the Boss Hogg XXXL halfway down (all mrhankeys). I get the weekends free to do things, so here's what I do. I take a shower and use an enema shower head on low to flush things out. I've been doing this for years, so I'm acutely attuned to when things might be up just high enough that it drops while I'm playing, so sometimes this can take up to a half-hour. I usually don't go much past the sigmoid anymore; I used to fill all the way up because the sensation of being filled with water is nice, but it takes so long to flush out when doing it that I stopped that. I have 2 footstools - one 10 inches tall, the other 14 inches tall. I drape play towels over them and use them as platforms. I usually put a shorter toy on the taller platform. Every now and then I'll break out one of my older, smaller toys, which I can still do by hand. But the newer, bigger toys are 5+ pounds, so that's impractical. I bounce for hours. I usually start early in the morning, get cleaned and set up, and then proceed to put on some porn or some hard techno. Then I'll go back and forth between the toys I have out, as desired. Every 90 minutes or so, I'll take a break. When I'm done, I'll pack things up, putting filthy towels in the wash for later. Then I take a quick shower just to wash the lube off of my legs, my butt, and my balls (it's sticky). It's relaxing and liberating at the same time, as well as feeling OH SO GOOD.
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