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Pornhub Content Purge


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I agree with AzFrNick in that the root of the problem is consolidation of content online across pretty much all forms of media (not just porn). I don’t have stats here because I’m not an expert, but PornHub is obviously the most popular porn site by a mile. They rely on advertising for revenue, so these big purges seem to me like an effort to make the site easier to monetize by removing fetish content/re-uploaded content/etc. It sucks, and is emblematic of the corporatized homogenization of media going on in music (with Spotify), movies (Disney, for example), and elsewhere. 

I don’t think the US government will make any laws actually legislating fetish content (like an expansion of obscenity laws or whatever), since most previous attempts to do so have already failed in court, but I do expect that they will continue to side with corporations, thus making it more difficult to access fetish content without resorting to less reputable places online. My big concern here is the further marginalization of sex workers, who have seen their already minimal legal protections continue to erode over the past few years. 

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16 hours ago, Rosebutt said:

Just seems odd.

Yeah, it is a little weird. Though to be fair, most of what he’s saying sounds like speculation/stuff that can be easily concluded from already-available info. It’s not uncommon in the US for sex workers/related services to run into trouble with banks and payment processing services, so I guess it makes sense that PornHub/MindGeek to have similar concerns. Though I think MindGeek is actually a Canadian company (at least that’s what Wikipedia says), and I’m much less familiar with their content regulations and stuff.

Anyway, the PornHub purge seems to me like a profit-motivated move to make the platform more “mainstream”, and prioritize content from “reputable” uploaders (worth mentioning here that MindGeek also owns a bunch of actual porn studios, including Brazzers), and consolidate the industry around their platform as much as possible. I don’t think there’s any nefarious secret government demands or anything like that, just capitalism at work (which sucks, I should clarify). 

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