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Going deeper with a large toy


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I can get around 7-8 inches of my 11 inch dildo that has a 2.5 width to it but can't seem to get it any further how do I push myself to get it all the way in? 

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Try adding a thin colon snake to the mix. I use a 1" wide, soft platinum silicone one. It can go deep, without too much resistance. The snake will loosen your muscles up a bit, so larger objects can find their way in. Do double penetration with it and a large toy, and it will guide the larger toy right through your pipes. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Clean yourself out. Fasting helps but staying hydrated is most important.

Lots of lube to start.

Know your anatomy. Be able to visualize where the toy is going in relation to your body helps... i.e. don't lean left when you should be leaning right. Also, don't bounce or ramrod it. The goal isn't to get off – its more of a relaxation exercise. Loosen up with something smaller first then when you are ready start slowly and breath. Pretend its a yoga meditation and plan to spend more than 30 minutes in the process. If you feel too much resistance, don't completely back off, just try moving into a different position. If you are coming straight down from the top, gravity will move your sigmoid and also draw more blood flow. Once you are comfortable, then try moving to either side or on your back.

Having a partner helps but only if you trust them and know you are in full control.

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