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  1. Something that should be noted and clarified... Anytime you have a hardened bumpy purple body in a blood vessel – that is a potential clot. If you have a hemorrhoid or vessels that do protrude, there can be a risk to obstructing the blood flow and a clot can form and the risk of a thrombic embolism increases. I've had this happen before and its painful and I was on blood thinners for several months before everything settled down. Like I posted before about the jelly filled water bottle... I had several. Some I kept heated and some I kept chilled. I did a 20 min. cold the 20 min. heated followed by 20 min. cold routine twice a day for several days before the clots broke down. I only wish I could've shared that part of the treatment with my proctologist. He thought his Prep. H and blood thinners were the cure.
  2. First off, anytime you strain you are forcing blood to that area. Since you have hemorrhoids that means they are going to swell. More activity and more straining means more swelling so you may have to take a break to calm it down. Also, pay attention to the lube you use because that can cause more irritation and swelling. In the worst case scenario one of those veins gets stretched enough to drop beyond the sphincter and becomes an external hemorrhoid. This is extremely painful and could result in tissue loss known as a strangulated hemorrhoid. Before you get to this point check your health ––> high fiber diet, exercise and water are good to prevent day to day straining. In the mean time, try this... get an empty 11.5 oz plastic water bottle (preferably with smooth sides like Voss). Also get 1 or 2 of those gel based cooling pads. Remove the label and smooth out any rough edges on the bottle then fill it with the gel contents of the pads. Keep this in your refrigerator (never freeze it!!) and when things get rough down there slip it in and keep it there for about 20 min. I suggest using a little cocoa butter for lube – just don't use water based ones. You could also try a thin layer of Prep. H around the area before insertion. You will be little loose and sloppy for about an hour after doing this but your tone will return so plan accordingly.
  3. Check your diet. You should never have to strain to move your bowels. Doing so only forces blood into your rectum and causes swelling which makes it harder to move. Never force a bowel movement either. If you don't have the urge to go, then don't go. If you're on the toilet for more than 5 minutes and nothing seems to be happening then get up, drink some water, move around, walk some stairs and try again later. If you are still having problems then you could be constipated. Before going right for an enema try drinking some magnesium chloride solution (from your drug store) and plan to play another day. https://www.continence.org.au/pages/bristol-stool-chart.html
  4. Considering all the news about toxic amoebas and deadly algae I don't recommend doing this in a lake.
  5. Did you ever consider you may have hemorrhoids? These are varicose veins inside and sometimes outside your rectum. Essentially, every surface vein on in your body can become varicose. Sometimes they fade away but often when they are repeatedly irritated they can become more swollen and often bleed. This becomes the precursor to having a fissure. Having a diet poor of fiber and lack of exercise is one of the highest contributors to this. If you spend most of your time sitting in front of a computer or watching TV, I guarantee you have hemorrhoids. Sometimes using a large toy or plug will push the blood flow away from the surface in the same way compression stockings reduce varicose veins on legs but this is only temporary. https://www.dealwithhemorrhoids.com/the-differences-between-internal-and-external-hemorrhoids-pic/ Frequent enemas with tap water will make hemorrhoids worse since they draw the moisture away from your epithelial tissues and eventually they become irritated and less able to produce the normal mucosal lining. When this happens, you need to pay good attention to what lubes you use and what's in them. Most water based lubes are designed for vaginal sex and work with the woman's natural fluids. Rectums/anuses don't have this so these lubes can be absorbed into the lining causing more irritation and swelling. It's always best to wait at least an hour after flushing before any kind of play. Also, like previously mentioned, avoid NSAID pain relievers and anything else that thins your blood (like alcohol). If you have discomfort and slight bleeding, try filling a slender water bottle filled with very cold water and slide it up there. Don't use ice water – too cold and too risky. Later try using Tylenol (not an NSAID) to reduce the swelling. If the bleeding is really bad and doesn't slow down, you need immediate treatment before you get sick. Like septic shock sick.
  6. Clean yourself out. Fasting helps but staying hydrated is most important. Lots of lube to start. Know your anatomy. Be able to visualize where the toy is going in relation to your body helps... i.e. don't lean left when you should be leaning right. Also, don't bounce or ramrod it. The goal isn't to get off – its more of a relaxation exercise. Loosen up with something smaller first then when you are ready start slowly and breath. Pretend its a yoga meditation and plan to spend more than 30 minutes in the process. If you feel too much resistance, don't completely back off, just try moving into a different position. If you are coming straight down from the top, gravity will move your sigmoid and also draw more blood flow. Once you are comfortable, then try moving to either side or on your back. Having a partner helps but only if you trust them and know you are in full control.
  7. When you are in your early teens and just starting to explore the guilt is usually coming from breaking away from social, cultural and ethical norms. Basically it is the beginning of finally being a little selfish and we're often raised to think its bad. Once you get past that, then the feelings you may experience are those of being incomplete and emptiness. I guess this is where the concept of "ass hungry" cravings come from.
  8. I cover them in the long party balloons. It takes a bit of work but they are latex and thick. Once that's done, I throw a magnum condom on top... its amazing how much they can stretch.
  9. Never mix poppers with Viagra, Cialis or other ED drugs. They will put you into cardiac shock.
  10. Whether the toy has a textured surface will also make a difference. The "realistic" style toys have a tendency to do that for me.
  11. It seems like this is a topic that should be brought up early in the relationship. As the intimacy deepens, the physical part should evolve from less vanilla to more mutually experimental. Here's where you both can open up and set boundaries. If either person feels uncomfortable then a discussion needs to happen to decide what kind of relationship you want. Every established relationship has ebbs and flows... especially after the beginning. The more established the relationship, the more you have to work and communicate. At this point, fetish play requires patience and timing. You need to talk to your partner and essentially schedule and plan dates to cater to each other's specific desires. I realize the lack of spontaneity and impulse may seem to kill some of the erotic energy but what you gain from intimate communication and understanding makes up for this in spades. If you and your partner feel that you are on totally different pages about this and it seems unresolvable, then you both need to make some decisions. If there is a strong bond and love but the difference is physical interest – then consider opening up the relationship. If the physical desires seem to hamper the relationship then cut both of your losses early on and part ways mutually as friends.
  12. Palmer's Cocoa Butter mixed with lotion and J-Lube (pre-mixed). Warm it up in the microwave and mix it good. The lotion acts as a binder between the oils and water based j-lube. Cocoa butter can be left on a bedside table without looking out of place and it smells much nicer than Crisco. I also stumbled onto these while learning to be a CMT; Advanced Therapy Massage Creme and Dual Purpose Massage Creme, both from Biotone. More on the expensive side but with J-Lube it can go a long way. Also comes in a container with a pump. Whether you buy lube from a store or mix your own, always cut the amount you will need each time from a master container and resolve to throw away any leftovers. Once you contaminate your $30 jug of Elbow Grease, you're screwed. All these mixes, with the exception of straight silicones, will grow molds that are toxic. When you start your next session, you may not know what you are dipping your hands into.
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