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Everything posted by Supes

  1. [quote name='tzstt' date='07 October 2013 - 08:51 AM' timestamp='1381153885' post='911646'] A wine bottle is also probably my max. A standard wine bottle is "only" 10" in circumference/ and just a tad under 3.5" in diameter, so not quite as big as many of the plugs and dildos out there. But I think it is the 'rigidness' and having to go in from the back end that makes it feel much more difficult - it's like going from 0-60 in 0 seconds since you have to go in by the back end, and the glass doesn't have any give, so you can really feel it hitting as you try to get it in at the right angle...can be brutal against the sides of your pelvic bone - using something with a little 'give' and a rounded end to help ease it in makes things much easier and more comfortable; Never measured it, but just tried an eggplant which looked to be at least as big as a wine bottle, and it went in much more easily just because of the shape. [/quote] I'm kind of the same way. I can take Cyclops easily as a dildo to use after warm up, When I'm really feeling it, I can do the Big Bopper GigaDong...which I've been told is outstanding being at 140lbs. But my latest challenge is a Foster Beer Can, which is much like the wine bottle because there's no "give" despite being smaller than larger, more flexible objects.
  2. 13" in depth (due to Rambone), and the thickest is basically taking 9" of Homo Gigantus...which is around 3+ inches thick. I'm about 130lbs...so who says you can't cram big things in small objects
  3. Thanks - Really appreciate it. Would definitely like to see more of this girl...!
  4. Thanks for posting. I hope there's plenty more where that came from
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