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Everything posted by Rosebutt

  1. I’ve been at this, in one form or another, for a LONG time. Like, since I was a kid. The rise of the internet and discovery of gapes, fisting, toys, pumps, prolapsing, etc, just kicked everything into hyperdrive for me. I LOVE my hole and my cock and LOVE stroking, stretching, pounding them. It feels amazing. That’s it.
  2. Now THERE is a story I’d love to hear.
  3. There is nothing to “learn” from any other source than your own body. Just play, have fun and listen to your body. And asslips tend to be genetic.
  4. Most of this is in the mind. If you think it, you can achieve it. Free your mind and your ass will follow.
  5. As does mine. As I’ve posted here before, my cunt produces a LOT of mucus.
  6. So I can only give a recommendation based on what I’ve used. Just recently dove into the waters of Square Pegs toys. I have been using the Happy Hour XL. And let me tell you, it’s a revelation. I’ve been using big toys for years but this is on a different level. The shape, the softness and especially the knot at the bottom, take my cunt (and prostate) into other realms of pleasure.
  7. So kind of an update: I’ve never been that much of a prostate guy. I’m more about the hole and wrecking it. Then stroking and cumming. That is… until i got my Square Pegs Happy Hour XL. It’s actually changed how I play. Aside from stretching my hole brutally, it hits my prostate in just such a way that it makes me cum hands free. A total revelation.
  8. No way to be 100% sure but it’s a dude. And who cares? That thing is legendary!
  9. The first link is fucked and the second one gave my phone aids.
  10. I would LOVE to know how she birthed a kid with such a completely wrecked, prolapsing vagina like that. Had to have been a caesarean.
  11. Not at all. If you take your time and relax, that kind of thing generally doesn’t happen.
  12. I have, after DECADES of anal play, discovered the (almost) hands-free cum. And it’s all thanks to the Square Pegs toys Happy Hour XL plug. When it pops in, it triggers a geyser of semen. I only have to lightly touch my cock and it explodes. There’s something about the size and shape of it that hits my prostate in a way no other toy does. I’m obsessed with this thing. In fact, gotta go…
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