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Everything posted by prolaptotron

  1. dawn of the dead (romero version) army of darkness (evil dead 3) reanimator where eagles dare fist of the north star (original 1989 version) the grey zone come and see downfall texas chainsaw massacre (original version) platoon
  2. seriously, don't give it to me, i really wont use it. make it benefit rsbb - like as a prize for the most original amateur picture post or something.
  3. i have been on an interstellar mission of epic proportions. i can't say too much about it because i am incredibly modest, but i can tell you that; because of my marvellously heroic actions, the mayor of rectumville is currently commissioning an operatic saga be written entitled - "prolaptotron versus the colostobots".
  4. you should give it to me because i wont use it at all and that means no one loses out, which if you look at it differently - is pretty much like EVERYONE WINS!!! it really is the fairest way to settle this by far. a vote for prolaptotron is a vote for world peace.
  5. most people are not going to stop when they're ahead - they're going to run out of money first. more importantly you're maths is way out, throwing a coin, no matter how many times in succession is always 50-50. ALWAYS. sure your intuition may tell you 'ah it's gotta come up with heads sooner or later' but, even if you had ten consecutive tails - the chance of landing another tail is 50-50. more importantly - in a computer program you don't get to see the coin flip, you just have to take e-gold's word for it. whilst this is an old poker trick guaranteeing results AT SOME POINT DOWN THE LINE, you have to have the money to take a hit all along. we'd be better off spending the money on more fruitful endeavours. like supporting rsbb with donations. (hihi xthor you r so cül !let me in to gold plz thx).
  6. another idea: i have a recycle box in my kitchen where i put things like potato peelings, toilet roll tubes and other biodegradable stuff. some of you guys probably have something like this too, well next time you're hungry and don't have anything good to eat - empty the recycling contents into your food processor and blend into a thick paste. microwave on maximum pain for 5 minutes. voila, recycling soup!
  7. following on from my critically acclaimed pot noodle thread i figured i would go into some alternatives that you might want to try;- if you are anything like me then you really could not give a shit about food, i get hungry, i want some quick and easy nourishment so i can get back to whatever it was i was busy with at the time. i know for you french guys this is blasphemy and you like nothing better than shaving enough frogs testicles to make an onion sandwich followed by horse scrotum a la garlic served in snail shells or some other culinary delight of yours... but me, whilst i enjoy the odd meal, i can easily do without the hassle. So first up, in your local supermarket you will find some little packets of noodles, probably near the afore discussed pot noodle. now these ones are more edible, like batchelors supernoodles, infact yes - look next to them, they'll be from some crazy chinese company and cost about 1000000000 yen which is like 8p in good old english pennies. these are fucking awesome, buy as many as you can carry and a few tins of tuna. mix the two together and voila, noodle tuna. fucking score. cheapest meal you'll ever eat. next we have corned beef. corned beef is tasty as fuck salty squishy meat surprise. corned beef on bread. corned beef in pasta. corned beef out the tin with a spoon. surprisingly awesome microwaved. again - fucking score. now; one thing everyone should know - whenever you're about to buy some chicken nuggets or any super processed pre-packaged meat produce be aware that chances are you are eating the scrotums and sphincters of diseased battery mutants. take a trip to the vegetarian section - they have simulated meat products for EXACTLY the same price which taste EXACTLY the same if not better and contain more vitamins and other stuff to keep your shit together and happening. and no gristle. do yourself and countless future 3 legged chickens a favour and go down this road. finally we have smash, or mr. mash or whatever the cheapest instant mash potato is. mix in any of the above and you have yourself an instant fulfilling meal that you can be proud of, you wont have to do any of this cooking shit, and you'll save yourself an assload of cash. more to come. maybe.
  8. but that is the perfect way to convince people that you are a robot!
  9. speak in whatever language you like. i'm still going to post bollocks in your topics.
  10. du musten usen einen gesproingingen geschnitzelgewurfen.
  11. i posted this already on a different thread but it's so good i can't keep from posting it again:- "you need to use a bit more elbow grease." badum PISHHHHHHHHH!!!!
  12. i think most women avoid posting because of the fact as soon as they get noticed on the board they get about a hundred bajillion private messages for BOOB PIX PLZ THX!!! and sometimes not all of them are from me.
  13. you will need; 1 pot noodle some boiling water okay so here's how it goes. buy a pot noodle, it doesn't really matter which variety, for reasons i'll get to in a second;- but here you can see i've gone for the chicken and mushroom flavour, mainly because it was the only picture i could find of a pot noodle, but i digress... the tricky bit is getting the fucking lid off, i would recommend you keep a pair of pliers handy for this job, although if you don't think you're up to it you can always cut the fuck out of it with a knife or something (this also makes it look cooler), of course i'd recommend the latter option. okay once the lid is off you'll witness what looks like a plastic brillo pad covered in carpet fluff. this is probably pretty close to what it actually is but lets give it a fucking chance okay. now put the kettle on. make sure to put some water in it first - i can't stress how much of a let down this is already going to be without making things even worse by dry boiling your kettle. but let's assume we make it this far. now you should probably wear some safety goggles and falconers gloves for this next bit as it's pretty fucking dangerous, i just fly solo but that's the kind of guy i am. pour the boiling water very slowly into the centre of the brillo pad making sure to get a nice gaussian distribution of water bespattered around the carpet fluff. you could practice a few times by pouring cold water into a cup with a sponge in it at first if you don't think you are ready for the big leagues yet. put the kettle down as carefully as possible and stand well back. after about 5 minutes your vision should have almost returned to normal from the gangrenous pot noodle steam that exploded in your face when you poured the boiling water on it. okay it's chow time! you are ready for the pot noodle experience - stick a fork into the congealed block of fuck and attempt to retrieve some of those so called 'noodles'. also take great caution whilst eating it as the putrifying tendrils which swing from your fork have a nasty tendency to spray boiling acid at your face and arms. this is perfectly normal. and hey, if you can bring yourself to put this in your mouth then you can probably claim some mental disability benefits or something so check out your local government office for info about this. if you would like to try a pot noodle out but do not have the balls to try it; then i'll describe it for you;- IT IS ALMOST EXACTLY LIKE EATING OLD SHOELACES BOILED IN DOGS PISS OUT OF A PLANT POT. except there is not quite as much nutritional value. i hope you like my recipe. thank you and goodnight. prolaptotron.
  14. ah shit. i misread it. well i guess 18 will do, anybody else want to donate me some. i'm looking at you ANLLOVER with your hoard of nazi gold!
  15. tangerine can i have your 37 perfect points please. your best friend. prolaptotron.
  16. when i said byplanes, of course i meant biplanes. i think possibly i said this because i need to proofread my own posts prolaptotron you total n00b.
  17. if this is THE dawn patrol, where you fly world war 1 byplanes then it is one of my favourite games ever. i mean red baron was pretty good but man never do i expect endless circling with just a pixelated horizon for company while i try to find the sneaky fucker who just shot me will ever get better than dawn patrol. i would also like to throw into the hat;- defender of the crown, exile, elite, speedball 2 and mutant league football. OLD SCHOOL GAMES WILL NEVER DIE. you can stick your fancy graphics up your ass. technology peaked at space invaders.
  18. QUOTE(Bigdil @ Jul 13 2007, 09:40 AM) [snapback]37604[/snapback] The revolver x-ray simply has to be a fake.... or does anyone here have any experience...? i can think of easier ways to get a gun on a plane. its probably real though - there are some stupid fucks out there.
  19. you all seriously think the 4 unfortunates who you choose to exile for the rest of their miserable lives are going to provide you with light entertainment and grateful companionship? a nice way to be hated eternally by the people you revere most. hence my initial selection.
  20. okay. 1)50 cent. he'd be confined to his cabin where each morning before breakfast i'd punch him in the fucking ribs every day for the rest of my fucking life (and assuming he dies before me i'd be more than happy to maintain the routine on his decomposing corpse). i might just kill him if i got tennis elbow or bored. 2&3)noel and liam gallagher. i would kill them both immediately and throw their pretentious carcasses overboard as soon as the ship left dock. also i would probably make dickeater (my pet name for 50 cent) eat their cut off dicks or something. 4)justin timberlake. i think i would get him to walk the plank.
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