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Everything posted by Jasmine

  1. How can I manage to insert a big toy even deeper in my ass? I can reach about 30-35 cm with thinner toys, but with bigger toys it seems to stop around 20-25cm. My belly also bulges with the thinner toys and I want that feeling from the bigger ones aswell
  2. I dove into anal to try something new and now I can't stop. I have bought multiple toys from JTT now, but I am not sure if they are what I am looking for. They are all either 12'' or 15'' and I can take them almost balls deep. What are some other toys which are great for streching?
  3. How do people fist themselves deep? I can manage to get it to my wrist, but after that it stops. I cannot go any deeper than my wrist basically. How do you train on doing it?
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