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Everything posted by TheDemonKingsCity

  1. https://x.com/teddya7bear/status/1737887882126201182?s=46&t=6pbXUYFXmx5lxwsv8AMXAw
  2. https://x.com/lilirosebra/status/1707652176821072196?s=46&t=6pbXUYFXmx5lxwsv8AMXAw her videos are so hot but she doesn’t seem to have a fansly and I need to see more
  3. I was literally looking to see if anyone had any more videos of her. The last one literally ends with them changing the camera position to show more
  4. Does anyone know what happened to rdevasso’s profile? It was easily the best on the website :/
  5. Are you a doctor or in the medical field? Because I’ve heard both arguments from people who aren’t already, that’s sorta the point of this post…
  6. Things that can be early signs of interest for women can include a lot of things, liking fanfic erotica when they were younger (most of it is gay and therefore anal sex), interest in tentacle or monsterfucking kinks, having logistical worries with their vagina (vaginismus or bacterial sensitivity). But the most important thing is that when you do anal for the first time make sure it is pleasurable for them. My partner had never anal before but she loved watching gay porn and because I focused entirely on her pleasure she came 3 times. Not long after we decided to be anal only. Although I think a major reason she did that is because we are not exclusive lol
  7. @conshe broke up with her because she wouldn’t do something sexually with him, it wasn’t clear what it was. She made content while they were broken up, and talked about it vaguely but two weeks later they were back together and she posted a video with him in it for the first time. he came off as manipulative and entitled, I hope she’s OK because she really seem to love it. But you have to be careful with this kink
  8. I have been stretching my Partner for a while now and recently they have started pushing and having a rosebutt/pink hole after. I think it’s very hot but I have read in other forums and articles from doctors that pink hole and prolapse weaken the muscles and increase the chance of long-term complications. but I have seen other forums people talking about doing it for decades and having it strengthen their holes, that being able to do it comes from deep muscle control. I could imagine a situation where both are possible, stretching and prolapsing recklessly with numbing lube‘s and ignoring blood could lead to long-term complications, while careful but consistent training could strengthen and not lead to those. And because of that I don’t know if I believe a regular doctors opinion, so I would really like the opinion of a Doctor who understands extreme anal
  9. @Radeonhell yeah dude, fuck “oh no politics here” as if both our lives and *this forum* aren’t political. in addition to what you said, this kink is *illegal* in large parts of the world because of Christian colonial laws. And many of our favorite models have been driven off the internet because of misogynistic stalkers who’s ideas of manhood were formed by the politics of our society. Anti sex work laws in multiple country have driven fisting off of OF, completely disrupted a burgeoning golden age of sex work as well the livelihoods of thousands of sex workers pushing many of them into more dangerous work. History is present, our society shapes us, and sex and lust are political. The world, not to mention our sex lives would be better for it.
  10. Her boyfriend was showing signs of being abusive. She seemed to definitely love it but my guess is he did something reckless and got her hurt
  11. Can’t view it unless we’re friends, I can’t even see the thumbnail
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