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Errol Calendar

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Everything posted by Errol Calendar

  1. Ten or more years ago I lived by myself and could engage in ass-building whenever the whim took me and for as long as I wanted. But about ten years ago I found myself living with someone to whom I could not 'come out' about my anal obsession. Pretty soon afterwards I gave up and my asshole shrank by to normal. But I have recently started back again. Luckily our house has two bathrooms and the person I live with spends a long time - an hour and a half - in the morning getting ready. This is my only window of opportunity - I dig out a couple of butt-plugs from where I hide them, and a few glass jars I like to shove up myself, and get in about 30 minutes of stretching every two or three days. I'm aware of slightly rushing - which I'm sure is not good. I used to vacuum pump my asshole for half an hour and walk around my house (with the curtains closed) with the pump hanging from between my legs. That's no longer possible. And afterwards I have to really clean up so that not even Sherlock Holmes would be able to spot any thing odd had gone on. I miss the freedom of my best ass-stretching years - and wonder if I'll ever be able to regain what managed to achieve back then. On the other hand the time restriction has made me more goal oriented: in the space of - what? - a month - I've made progress that took me maybe a year to make when I had a freer, more casual approach. But I've all kinds of worries - what if the person I share the house with finds my stash of butt-plugs? I also feel anxious about ordering toys by post - what if she opens a package by mistake? I also feel guilty - hiding this side of my life from her kind of feels wrong. Does anyone else practice/work in sub-optimal conditions? In secret? How do you manage? What problems do you face? Do you see any advantages?
  2. I'm starting back out again after 10+ years of giving up stretching. Back then I could easily take my fist up my ass with only my spit for lubrication and could take some really big insertions and my ass-lips, after being worked and swollen, protruded beyond my butt-cheeks. But In the intervening years I've returned to having a normal 'micro-arse' - and a few weeks ago, starting back again, struggled to even get a finger up! Since then I've been making steady progress, with a short session (half an hour) every two or three days. My advice is maybe a bit left-field - but might help: it is that heat makes things a lot easier. Heat relaxes your muscles, it feels nice inside you and helps you be more aware of what, and how much, is inside you and where it is - all of which I find helps with comfortable insertion. When I started at zero a few weeks ago I'd been struggling with a small butt-plug - just 4cm in diameter - it just didn't want to go up. Then I remembered I had a small crystal ball - 4cm in diameter, like the butt-plug. I warmed it up in hot tap water for a quarter of an hour till it was hot, but not too hot (your asshole will tell you, at the slightest touch, if something's too hot!). When I tried putting that up my arse it slid up really easily and felt so good, the sensation of width and heat travelling up past my ring and into my rectum. I've found that with all sizes of insertions - it's easier if it's very warm or hot - you feel it better, and once it's up it gives me a sensation of euphoria! The trouble is that it is (as far as I can tell) impossible to warm up silicone toys to a decent temperature. But there are things that can be be warmed up and safely shoved up - potatoes work fine. Myself, I like to fill jam jars with hot water - I only use ones that are thick-glassed and that contained vacuum sealed, cooked foodstuffs because these are made with very tough glass and designed to be highly resistant to pressure. But I recommend this with great caution - I've been shoving for decades and never had a problem - but, as I'm sure anyone can imagine, using jam jars is not theoretically risk free. But there's nothing that feels so good as a big hot water-filled jam jar sliding up past your ring and nestling, warm and comforting in your rectum.
  3. Thanks for that warning, Rubbrpig - I've just checked the ingredients on the one I use and, yes, slf is there in the ingredients. I think my difficulty is that I'm a secret 'rosebutter' - I live with others from whom I have to keep my activity secret - and I have to snatch at a half-hour here and there, and be able to clean up quickly and effectively afterwards - a water-based lube is easy and aqueous cream is so cheap and easily available - I can slap it around in dollops. But I guess I shouldn't be such a tight-fisted bugger and fork out for some proper water-based lube...
  4. It's a great picture, isn't it - but, sorry, I've tried and failed to work out where I found it. I found it doing an image search for 'anatomy of the anus'. If you do a similar search you'll get a lot of such images - but this one was the best - clear, simple, but quite realistic. I find the anatomy of the anus, rectum and colon pretty fascinating. Just around the time I discovered I could fist myself I had a girlfriend who was studying at medical school and she had a real human skeleton kept in bits in a box under her bed. I wanted to get my hands on the pelvis and get some idea of what size insertion the pelvic cavity could take when all the muscle, fat and skin were eliminated - but I think she'd have been weirded-out if she'd caught me studiously 'fisting' the skeleton, or inserting jam jars into it. It would have been a tough one to explain my way out of...
  5. Yes, I think anal stretching etc is very much like bodybuilding - you make gains, but if you stop, you gradually lose those gains. I used to wonder - just as with bodybuilding - should one increase the amount of protein in one's diet when working one's asshole? Or are the muscles involved too small for diet to make a difference?
  6. After a 10-year break I'm hoping to return to serious rosebuttery (having a 'micro-ass' really is a bore). I've been thinking and fantasising a lot about what I used to do, and also thinking about some techniques I never tried before. I've not seen or read about the following two, but maybe some board members will have tried them, or know of them, or have some thoughts: 1/ use of a tourniquet - if I can develop enough of an ass-tulip - wrapping it with a tourniquet which will squeeze out the ass-tulip and cause blood to build up in the restricted part and make it swell (I realise that one should not make extended use of a tourniquet). It seems a way of working the asshole muscles. I'm further curious about using a tourniquet at the same time as an insertion. I realise that the ass-tulip diminishes or disappears when stretched by an insertion - so it would have to start with a very small insertion - but if eventually I can take a big insertion and still have an ass-tulip big enough to tourniquet I imagine that would give spectacular and interesting results, once the tourniquet and insertion are removed. 2/ anal weight-lifting. I've seen a video of a woman breaking the record for the 'strongest vagina'. The strength of her vagina was measured by her inserting a ball with a rope running from it. The loose end of the rope would be attached to a weight. She would squat and lift the weight and hold it suspended between her legs. It seems that building a big asshole is a combination of developing flexibility and of developing muscle - I'm wondering what effect lifting and holding ever greater weights with one's asshole would have? Would the pull of gravity draw the whole of the anus out and down? From the diagram in the link below it seems that the anus is attached to the skeletal frame by only muscles - which would suggest that they can be developed and stretched. Worlds Strongest Vagina I'd be interested to read any thoughts or experiences.
  7. I never went down the road of photographing or filming my rosebutt, which I now regret. But if I stick to my new year's resolution and eventually work my asshole up into something truly monstrous I'll share my work here.
  8. I gave up building my asshole about ten years ago on starting to cohabit with my girlfriend. Before that I'd lived alone some 15 years and during that time worked hard at my asshole. My goal was mainly to maximise its external bulk - I never got into 'depth'. My fantasy was to get it to a size that the bulge at the back of my trousers would have people thinking I'd just taken a massive shit, and that I'd have to adapt my dress in order to conceal my giant asshole - wear baggy trousers and super-long cardigans that hung low. I got quite far - to the point where I could take a jar with a diameter of about 12cm - not past the bone, but deep and firm enough to get the feeling of it being inserted, the ring stretching and sliding into place round the end of the jar. Am I the only one to experience a kind of euphoria when something big is jammed up the ass? (I think this is especially strong when whatever is up there is as warm/hot as bearable). I got into using jars filled with hot water - as hot as possible, but not so hot that it would sting. My asshole got pretty big - not quite Kirk-Johnson-size but bigger than most I see on the internet - big enough so that if I sat down for a while (as on the bus going to work) when I'd stand up I would get pins-and-needles in my asshole from the blood squeezed out flowing back - a nice feeling in so many ways. And here I am ten year later - wondering what a miracle I could have bursting out from between my legs if I'd have kept it up... Yesterday, for old times sake, I tried putting a finger up yesterday morning. I could barely get it up - I struggled at two and feel sore two days later for having tried three! I'd like to get back into serious asshole-building - I miss the whole thing, the euphoria, the struggle, the sight of that beautiful swollen pouting monster, wiping my ass after a shit and having to clean out a huge hole and the pulsing soft doughnutty ring of muscle around it. This time I want to be more systematic - not just working width - but also depth - I suspect that having a capacious and welcoming colon can't do any harm - and also trying some new techniques such as what happens when one binds the ass-tulip in a tourniquet... or developing its muscles by inserting a sphere to which weights can be attached, and 'lifting' ever heavier weights; and also trying out inflatables in order to build the capacity of my rectum. But my short term goal is just to get back to the basics - to be able to take my 'baby' butt plug and to get my hand up there, get into a routine of regular ass-building.
  9. I use Aqueous cream - it's dirt cheap and useful for all kinds of other things (shaving, skin conditioning). It seems fine, though I haven't tried other lubes, so I can't compare and contrast.
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