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A drunk double Fist!!


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So the other night me and my gf were both drunk and ended up having some extremely wild and rough sex. Of course after some time my gf told me to lay down so she could fist me. She went slow at first to loosen me up but once I was loose she went harder than ever!!! So eventually she was punching me with both hands and just went for the double fist! It was such and intense sensation and felt awesome, however, I didn't get the relief feeling like I do when a single fist eventually slides in. So my question for you all who have been double fisted is, Do you get that slight relief when both fists go in or is it more just a nonstop extreme stretching sensation?

BTW: When I say "relief" I'm talking about like when you have a huge butt plug and you are just about to fit it in and the stretching is so intense, and then it finally goes.

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