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another great HKJ movie idea

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The setting: a comedy club.
Some dude comes in and sits on a stool with a chest beside him. He then introduces himself as a ventriloquist to the viewers. He reaches down and opens the chest it and there's HKJ wearing something like a magicians assistant [img]http://www.costumemarket.co.uk/images/costume/61490.jpg[/img]
he then puts his elbow on a higher stool or table and HKJ sits on his hand while leaning back a bit. Through her tight top you can see his arm travel up her belly as she takes the entire thing.

They then have a really lame joke dialog. As HKJ tells her part of the joke, the man should open and close his hand as if making a puppet speak; an impression of his fingers should show through the top. Also he should be caught half mouthing the words as if a bad ventriloquist.

Then, when the routine is done, HKJ pulls herself up and goes back in the chest. Applause and the host returns to introduce the next act while the scene fades to black.

What do you guys think?
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