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Toy: DIY Help Needed!

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So I noticed the other day that the pump on my inflatable dildo has stopped working. sad.gif

It's one of those small rubber balls that is attached to a tube which feeds into the base of the dildo.

Now I don't want to throw the toy away as it's one of my favourites - so I'd like to fix it. Is there anybody out there who has encountered the same problem and knows how to fix it?

It's not working as it doesn't seem to be refilling with air after each pump. I've checked and what has happened is that there are tiny cracks along the seam where the two half-cups have been joined together to form the ball. These cracks are letting too much air in and the ball will not re-inflate back to normal following each pump.

I think I would need to buy some type of glue to go over the seam where the cracks are but I don't know what type of glue to buy. It has to be something that will flex with the ball when I pump it.

Any ideas?
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