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Posts posted by skifreak

  1. Hey Jean JR, so what did you do to your self that you can't tell us here? When people post something and then can't tell what it is it makes me think that everything you are posting is fake. Why in the world would you not want to tell us of a medical problem which you indicate you brought on by ass play, which happens to be the main subject here. No one knows who you are in real life, so do us all a favor and let us know what you are experienceing.  

  2. I think that pumping helps stretch it out, and toys, fisting and even just squeezing it in and out helps build up some awesome feelings when you push around a nice stretched prolapse with internal muscles that you normally have no control over.

  3. it is truly a personal decision.

    I enjoy anything that I can enjoy through play, sensations, visual and even some fantasy turned reality. I do have control when I am in the normal everyday world, feels like the stretching of the internal parts recovers and even becomes easy to control when I want something to happen. The day after a big prolapse play yes I have to be careful or I may end up hanging out at the work site outhouse, not fun, but you learn to feel how your body works and that is not really a problem. What it will bring in later years, not sure but willing to find out.

    Also no leakage or skid marks in the shorts, flatulence (farting) is not much different than it ever was. I do believe the only way you are going to get a prolapse that you want is going to be through pumping, nothing else stretches flesh like a good pump. Of course this is also where you possible could over do it, but I think you will not like the inner sensations if you are pumping too hard.

    Two cents form a twisted soul.

  4. had to chuckle, cantaloupes came to mind for an instant. :holiday: Egg plants are a definite try for me in the near future. I do remember some play years ago but then I had to explain why there was an eggplant on my headboard. It did not hide well like my plastic toys did.

  5. for many years I played with larger and larger anal toys, and noticed then that I was developing as medium size rose bud, although I did not know that much about them at that time. It would appear on it/s own, after removing a toy, but then drop back in by it's self. When I found out about pumping and actually tried it that was when the rose bud came into full bloom. over the last couple of years with more and bigger toy play and pumping had some pretty good growth. I'm pretty sure that I am stretching out those fibers and ligaments that hold all in place, but slowly and with breaks. There are also muscles involved and we all know that exercising builds up muscle strength which I think will help with control of the prolapse a bit better. The very best to hope for is that one can develop a great prolpapse but do so that there is still  control left. While exotic erotic and just fun I would not want a permanent dangling prolapse.


    But since my wandering may have not covered the post, mine was slow developing also.

  6. definitely pumping. if you really want a "wrecked" ass then extreme pumping will get you there. Of course you will probably have a huge chunk of colon always hanging out of your ass and will definitely need medical help. Just a note the ass hole does not hold in the colon. there are all kinds of muscle and ligament connections up in the intestine area that hold them in place. As you develop a rosebud and into a prolapse you are stretching all that stuff, or pump to hard and ripping and tearing
  7. the "kong's" we have are hollow and have holes at each end and you put peanutbutter in them for the dogs. super hard rubber in a cone shape like stacked donuts with different diameters. I hadn't ever really thought about for play but now that you have me thinking. have to see what the pet store has to offer. (would this be like some quasi form of bestiality? ;) )
  8. bug bites I had not thought of, have to re-read what a can of "Off" says on where you can and can't spray :-). Where I live you can get a pretty good dose of sun in 45 minutes or so, and sometimes play extends several hours. Likewise I haven't ever felt like I burnt the nether regions and hearing that you have never noticed anything might not be much of an issue. still don't think I'll try to tan my rose though, like someone would go "OHHH love your deep golden tanned sphincter there, big boy". :rolleyes:
  9. I think that those who enjoy playing with their bodies in any way that is outside the accepted norm for the society they live in actually becomes more knowledgeable about their bodies. Out of experience and delving onto the knowledge available here on the internet (remembering that crap information is very prevalent so don't jump all over the first thing you read) While we are by no means a doctor we have a lot of knowledge that the average vanilla type does not have. I also do piercings and body mods, and actually have met doctors who have little and skewed knowledge of the genital work I have done. Your going to find the same with anal play though with the world becoming a more accepting place for LGBT I hear a lot more real stuff about anal play and the long term effects from the medical profession.

    Now back to the actual thread here. I have done anal play of one type or another for many years and also have no problems with poop issues. I'm 56, can take two fists and have a really erotic feeling (for me) prolapse. I'm very active in recreational fun (hiking skiing, mt. climbing, bike riding) and have no problem related to the ass play. One thing to remember as you get older there are changes in your body whether you cause them or not. I agree that from what I know the sphincter is a muscle and the stretching fun when done safely is not a permanent effect at all.

    I'll try to post a new pic, long time since I was here last.
  10. So the question I have is if you are out playing and you have a nice rosebud or prolapse hanging out, do you have to worry about a sunburn? Would sunscreen work or would that just get absorbed (which might not be good) by the prolapse. Any ideas, valid or otherwise would be interesting to hear.
  11. www.squarepegtoys.com try here. mainly caters to teh male anal toy but if you read the descriptions som eof these may be just what you are after. And the multiple small toy option as listed above is very effective, from personal experience. ;)
  12. i use multiple medium sized dildos for stretching. add a toy as you become comfortable with the stretching you are getting. 10-15 minutes every night, at least it seems to work for me. vary size and shape and you can have multiple stretching patterns.
  13. Just one of many issues. Most of the pressure for this type of stuff comes from government people who will make money one way or the other by laws like this. Really helps no one except big business. My own country scares me a lot.
    (I like to tell people I am old and will die soon so I won't have to live in the screwed up country USA will become if they stay on the current path)
  14. the desire to explore obviously is innate, and since junior high on up I have always been a step or two out of sync with the rest of the world. The outside influence of porn and the dark side of sensuality probably is best explained as showing us what others have enjoyed and found to be possible, opening up paths that we happily try but may not have thought of.

    In general we have to be already headed toward being a sexual deviant (:-)) and porn just helps us get there faster and bigger.
  15. Used them for many years, nice for stretching and some fun sensations. Seems to be more body input, does not really do much mind altering to speak of. The stuff is not as good as it was, one of the main chemicals was banned by government so what is produced now is not as good but still nice and fun. I've used small pieces of popper soaked paper towel in plastic bag, sort of like huffing paint (not the most glamorous comparison and I have never huffed paint, that is a no-brainer on the long term effects), and just right out of the bottle. Like anything else I am sure that too much use would not be good for you but with my limited although long term (like 20+ years) use I have not ever noticed problems nor has anything ever shown up in medical exams. I do smoke pot, and a little bit of micro-beer now and then. The poppers and the pot add to fun play, beer puts me to sleep :-).
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