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Posts posted by Rosebutt

  1. 1 hour ago, Morgan_Nice said:

    That is indeed crossing a line :P. Never done it myself, but my wife is not against doing a threesome with a bi that would take care of both of us... I am working on making this happen!

    That’d be amazing. Let us know how it goes.

  2. Again, like I’ve written here 1000 times, everyone is built differently. What works for one may not work for the other. 

    I’ve been fisting, pushing, toying, etc for decades and have a decent rose but all that play has developed into pretty huge lips. Others who’ve played for much shorter than I now have gigantic meatloaf prolapses. It all depends focus, time and most importantly, physicality. 

    Just have fun and listen to your body. 

  3. 3 hours ago, slidewide said:

    Mine is to self fist to the elbow. My max toy width is 4.25 inch, but im shallow. I sometimes try to fist deep and started to enjoy it more. I've always wanted to do this since I learned it was possible, the best I've done is half way up my forearm, but more recently I start to feel my hand slide past the second hole, so feels like im getting closer.

    I hope I can regularly slide my arm in myself as easily as Khloee. What happened to her? :( miss her video and her lovely huge gaping puffy hole.

    Any advice for this? I mostly try from the front with the left arm because that seems to work for me. Most people seem to go from the back but I can't get very far.

    Years back, when I first discovered the ability to self fist, I was able to get mid-forearm. The feeling of popping past the second hole with my hand is something I’ll never forget. Alas, I’m not able to get anywhere near that anymore, but I’m glad to have had the opportunity. 

  4. 1 hour ago, MinMaxedAlt said:

    I should've clarified, it absolutely was not painful. I've learnt my lessons in pain already, and I am careful now about not pushing myself so far that I get stinging pains or start bleeding. I asked because it felt... right? It felt like what I thought the pelvic floor weakening would feel like. I also noticed my ass was a bit looser on the inside, which would line up with what I thought had happened. But I do know at this point that I get excited easily, and I wanted to make sure this wasn't just wishful thinking.

    I'll play it safe and take an extra day of recovery to monitor myself. I don't feel like I messed anything up in there, but people on this board are far more experienced than me. Thanks for the heads up.

    Sounds like you’re on the right path. 

  5. 1 hour ago, inprogress said:

    I'm just sharing a new male prolapse enthusiast with a big one.


    On Twitter, username: maganafolgas

    Has a handful of videos on xhamster under the same name. Profile is 40 days old or so, so maybe you've seen it.


    His prolapse is in the realm of Clairet but I searched Xhamster under the given name and couldn’t find anything.

  6. 6 hours ago, MinMaxedAlt said:

    So, something kinda weird happened this session. I opened up my ass a little to push my meat out (i don't have a prolapse or rosebutt yet btw. this is an extremely small amount of ass we're talking about here), and there was this clicking, popping feeling in my guts, and it was decently audible, too. I counted about five, and it happened again with two clicks and pops later in the session. I remember a commonly cited part of the ass wrecking process is to weaken the ligaments in your pelvic floor so it can no longer contain your colon and it starts coming out. Is this a sign that I'm making progress? I didn't clean out as much as I probably should have, and I did have some minor diarrhea that ended the session early, so at the moment I'm writing it off as just normal ass stuff, but if anyone else has experienced something similar, and could tell me what it means, that'd be really helpful.

    Remember- pain is the indicator. If you feel anything beyond minor stretching discomfort, cease all play.

    Your mention of diarrhea tells me that your guts already had something going on before you started. 

  7. 1 hour ago, FistBi said:

    My goal is still to get a fist to the elbow. This year I have achieved the 9 cms (3.5") width but I am still locked at 30 cms (12") deep. I will continue to work there

    I can swallow all of my Square Pegs Happy Hour XL but sometimes, hilting it is difficult. I want to continue to loosen my cunt to the point that it just slides in. Then move up to the Mr Hankey’s Stump n’ Dump. 

  8. 3 hours ago, elirian said:

    Exactly! My wife works from home nowadays so my opportunities to stretch and go wild are pretty much nonexistent. So having a whole room to myself where I know I’m all alone and also don’t have to worry too much about cleaning up is fantastic. Glad to see another bottle lover, when I’m on the road I also only usually travel with lube and maybe some poppers if I feel like it. The best thing about it is that work pays for it all! Haha

    My wife also works from home now and dammit if it hasn’t put a HUGE chink in my play armor. 

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