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Everything posted by bimboy

  1. Must have been an Indian involved in the conception... somehow : ) Great pix !
  2. Seems the Chinese mind-control-police is getting a bit behind
  3. Fairly short - a preview would ruin it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfiOr6QzEFQ
  4. I once let loose three sheep on my school. I'd spray painted the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on them. - They spent half that day looking for number three Where are the first 4 ?
  5. Bookmarked for the weekend : )
  6. Good anal - should make the gape freaks here very happy ! Thanks for the peek : )
  7. Arr, thats cheating Do you REALLY want HotMeds4U4LessNOW numbing your central nervous system ?
  8. I get it too, at first - nearly every time, fortunately it stops after a couple of minutes. Guess I must have a very fragile "capillary" - superficial blood vessel, that get's cut off once leakage is detected... A bit annoying, no more than that - BUT let me repeat, mine STOPS COMPLETELY after a little while. - If yours doesn't, I would definitly advice you not to continue ! Is there a doctor in the house ?
  9. You could use a meter of garden hose, one end in your mouth, the other end in your other end. Suck it from the bowl, then blow it up your ass ! - it even sounds right! With a see-thru hose, you've got an off-off-broadway play, right there !
  10. I'm still on usenet (news) for my music - lots of (older?) posters there. - but I guess if you want some of that modern devil worshipper racket...
  11. in All Time Top 10 Too bad it will (perhaps) be pulled by the powers that be Personaly I can't see the moral problem in having sex with male (!) animals ?
  12. Thanks Kagome - "interesting" stuff ! Does anyone know how (or where to get more) this was made: http://thehouse.superx.net/TGP/TGP11/TGP11-06.jpg
  13. Couple of repeaters - but WOW Terrrific post - thanks a bucket !
  14. Kinkypedia to the rescue: http://kinkpedia.com/wiki/bondage/nosehook
  15. I use winrar - it works from the right-click-menu - [Extract here] - and will unpack just about anything, including Zip. Never had any trouble with it.
  16. I have a couple of steel balls (OK another couple). Only 2 inches across, but when shaken they chime - very romantic. - great for saturday morning bread shopping.
  17. Yes it does - and not too hard to get. - thanks !
  18. Certainly looks effective - but I haven't used it myself - so, fat lot of good this reply made...
  19. There is a generel concern about "softeners" in the various plastics. Supected of being hormonally active resembling oestrogen and thus feminizing the victims ! - am I the only one with a bit more tits than strictly required ? (!!)
  20. Nope, I can't think of a worthy reply. Except this:
  21. This can't be right: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=frybaby
  22. I'm pretty sure that's actually Dick Cheney in disguise.
  23. QUOTEmuch easier to save in firefox How - I've tried that "download helper" tool - didn't help me : ( Actually, once you've found the "Temporary Internet Files", just leave it open. - press F5 when a new file has loaded, and then drag it to safety - easy enuf
  24. While I'm at it, here's another bunch I found last night: x10x10 - Telented user with lots of toy'n'rosebud-clips: http://www.xtube.com/user_videos.php?u=x10x10 Like this huge tripple ripple: http://pcdnv4.xtube.com/watch_video.php?cv...&cl=gWtJoKdNj2_ And his new toy - This one nearly made me lactate : ) http://pcdnv4.xtube.com/watch_video.php?cv...&cl=cBh5XEm9hA_ Deep throat this ! http://pcdnv4.xtube.com/watch_video.php?cv...&cl=XktAIKF1KP- Twink takes Bam's brother - all of it http://video.xtube.com/watch.php?cv=0&idx=...&cl=Le3VYLT9f6v Beautiful asshole begging for attention - turns squirting dick http://pcdnv4.xtube.com/watch_video.php?cv...&cl=qWTEMKD2F6_ Teriffic BIG toy punching http://pcdnv4.xtube.com/watch_video.php?cv...&cl=68Ob2-G413- Busy day at the customs back-office - but they get their man http://video.xtube.com/watch.php?cv=0&idx=...&cl=BN5Mc_G813_ My new slaveboy: http://pcdnv4.xtube.com/watch_video.php?cv...&cl=07IZvemCQ9V and http://video.xtube.com/watch.php?cv=0&idx=...&cl=s6RMBXiPTb_ This guys ass is better than mine ! http://pcdnv4.xtube.com/watch_video.php?cv...&cl=G0h9YYZUR0_
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