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Everything posted by bimboy

  1. I am SO getting this game when it get's here - I'm even prepared to pay for it !
  2. I admit: Loosing the Internet as we know it, is .. almost physically painful to put into so many words. And yes, We The People must be vigilant and join in The Fight for it's survival - and we will. Promise! But don't forget there's already massive censorship going on, the civil laws of the hosting nations are seeping* into the digital realm. that's the real danger. or is it or is it really, as usual, Greed, Hate, Ignorance and the Seven Heinous 'isms ? Most of all: Religion, a brain virus. Caught more easyly by poor people and children. Highly infectious, strongly hereditary. Causing the patient to abandon his own powers of reason and submit, like a child to a parent, to some supreme creator of everything (But not too big to care) or whomever He in His Infinite Wisdom has chosen to dunk in said Wisdom. - after that, anything's possible - as history shows to abundance The fact that Law & Order is moving in to cyberspace SHOULD be good news. - the real danger is that our western democracy, in the form we've come to expect it: two or three easy questions to answer per adult per decade (same questions for everybody!), may not be adequate to cope with the legislative challenges in a world where even the natural laws are effortlessly broken by everyone... Finally, in closing: Don't fear some hairbrain scam like these WhizKidTeenCoolGeekWariors hear-say-theory of a mass conspiracy among the owners of the actual electrical hardware.. ? it's a stunt! I'll leave you with these nuggets: Read those damn two last good newspapers and insist that the police are your freinds. The level of freedom on The Internet as observed in any jurisdiction can be judged by said jurisdictions level of freedom for homosexuals and pot
  3. Don't forget BJ - (No, don't know what it stands for) Ideally, though, a list like this would show a face and, of course, ass pic next to each name.
  4. Vanda's the best - right now - Ugly ?!? Big thanks
  5. Yes, a big regular dildo would look just like explosives to a scanner. - so why not bring an inflatable, like the one in alongeasy's avatar ? Added bonus: It weighs next to nothing!
  6. Yes, I like things that just work But side windows that open every time you touch them ? And wipers that start up automagically when it rains ?
  7. That "nothing shaped like a cock please" does limit the field a bit...
  8. I don't believe it - her cleavage is way too deep : ) The competition in this market is so fierce, any "provider" comming up with such a scheme would loose ALL their customers in a week. Even if the 250 world-wide largest providers were to come to such an unholy alliance, they'd ALL be out of business in six months. They can't even get out of their own "flat rate" inventions, which can't be good for business : ) Probably a half-truth though - as MANY people are scared of the net. - and not just parents or people over 60. I could see a market for a Family Values internet provider. - but also, how hackers and spammers would piss all over it : )
  9. That would be great - but could you start from "behind" : )
  10. Ask Pat - he's email is at the bottom of the page. Let's see your creations !
  11. Yes sir. This one would be typical: http://rapidshare.com/files/119065771/22_-...y_Face.mp3.html OK. I might as well throw up the whole thing: http://rapidshare.com/files/119071677/Doug...ootleg.zip.html Regular zip, no pw.
  12. Can't be done, nicely. Sure you can cut some of it away, but it'll look like shit, and you'll be sorry you did. - It's Heisenbergs Third Law of Elasticity.
  13. Oops, fixed. Thanks. Yes, I've got lots of Hicks too : ) - and Doug Stanhope
  14. First a little New World Order: http://rapidshare.com/files/118883436/I_m_...saying.mp3.html My personal favourite: http://rapidshare.com/files/118884564/I_ha...dments.mp3.html Required listening - Not least around here: http://rapidshare.com/files/118883851/Poor_Women.mp3.html But don't feel too bad, he's got something to say about you too: http://rapidshare.com/files/118884204/Poor_Men.mp3.html (All from: "When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops")
  15. He made replicas of his own fist in silicone http://www.bimboy.com/bimboy/gallery-visit-PatsAssss.html Not 100% perfect, but certainly useable
  16. You're the best Anllover - can I do anything for you in return ?
  17. yesss, strong stuff - love it !
  18. Helloooo Alysha - LOVE your bendy bones : ) - I have that toy too, only in red, but that's not the one that started this thread. It looks the same, but is actually almost twice as large - 6½ inches across - insane !
  19. Thanks. Actually I'm doing the same thing - mainly because CD/DVD's are SOOO slow. Fortunately 99% of my stash has worked fine so far (Verbatim rules). 6 x 500GB + room for two more = LOTS of free space, still : )
  20. WOW, new to me ! Big thanks !
  21. Yes, complicated... I love to watch, and early on, found it was just impossible to get the porn I wanted, unless I did it myself - on video, and before that auto-exposure-photo. As for fantasies, the favourite is being held in police custody the weekend over, in a cell with 12 huge black men using me in shifts, three or four at a time - double or triple anal and deepthroat. I also have your's Anl, on show, like one of those dancers-in-a-bird-cage - only fisted, pissed and cum'ed on through the bars - for a living. And horses.. Anyone else got a hardon from that hilarious internet-video from maybe 5 years ago, where a "husky" man, after having peeed, was unsuccessfully trying to pull up his pants while at the same time, equally unsuccessfully, trying to evade a VERY freindly donkey ? - fading out, with him going down on knees and elbows, caught, held down and seemingly raped by the donkey. But mainly I'm my own abuser and abusee - timeshifted by video. - Actually I may have MADE myself a masochist, in order to satisfy my own sadistic streak. So - that would be quite normal, right ?
  22. Deletion ?!? - I could never do that. Why not simply back'em up on a 1$ DVD ? Anyway - these four, please : ) Jayna Oso - Gloryhole.mpg 14 094 KB Brooke Balentine - I'Ve Never Done That Before 12 505 128 KB Vanessa Lane - Appetite_for_Ass_Destruction_2_Scen 160 967 KB Vanessa Lane.wmv 221 325 KB
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