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Posts posted by misterfox

  1. Not really had much luck with inflatable dildos - you're right they expand around your ass after a certain point so don't stretch you much. Inflatable butt plugs are much better, i've trained my ass very successfully with the pink/magenta doc johnson one, though it has begun to lose its shame a bit but generally was well worth it. It doesn't just stretch inside you - if its a good one if should be firm enough when expanded your to be able to ride in and out your ass :) I've had some hot gapes wreaking my ass with mine, might have to invest in a bigger one soon...
  2. Hey there,

    I want to change my display name, the option does not appear to be available in my settings, any idea how to do this? I don't want to bother the admin with it unless absolutely necessary and would rather not have to make a new account...
  3. [quote name='norcalfister' date='02 November 2012 - 01:26 AM' timestamp='1351819617' post='666881']
    The issue is that she never seems to be really into it and the more extreme I go the less interested she gets.


    I hear you there, my girlfriend was really excited and into it when I first told her I had some (much smaller then) toys. Because I was shy at the beginning so hesitant to embrace her interest i sort of missed my chance, then later as i got into bigger stuff and more extreme play it just gradually put her off. We still play heavy from time to time when we're hammered, but I just wish i'd taken it a big slower with her - if she'd felt like we were discovering something new and kinky together then i'm sure she'd want gaping as much as I do now, but instead its kinda 'my weird little thing' that mostly she just deals with.. :( So yeh, my advice is to take it slow, don't spook them out with your 10inch ace of spades like I did and try to keep it mutual..
  4. I think Kreamfan has made a few very good points. I often feel on here its hard to get a straight answer as people are so pro-stretching and so reluctant to associate any problems they have had with it. I'm personally on about 8" plugs comfortably but am hoping to work up to my 10" Ace of Spades this year, that said, I am concernered about having weaker erections recently. I've cut down smoking and exercise more but am sure stretching probably has something to do with it… but i don't know for sure. What I try to do is maintain a strong kegels routine which i hope would keep my pc muscle in shape but also allow me to make my ass bigger but not weaker...
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