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Posts posted by HomoArigoto

  1. On 4/2/2020 at 11:46 AM, elirian said:

    It doesn't look that unusual to me! What have you been doing to develop your prolapse?

    Honestly nothing too crazy I don't even have any toys (I used to have a pump it broke) I usually just hold my self open with my fingers and push my prolapse in a out as hard as I can repeatedly, I also hold myself open because I strained too much a few years back and I have large lips that get in the way. Lastly I might do some light fisting but that's about it. I do this about once to twice a week, and my prolapse seems to progress a lot, probably because I stand all day at work letting gravity work on my prolapse.

  2. My prolapse: Current prolapse

    In last 2 months I have made a huge amount of progress with my prolapse but it seems as though it's unfolding or coming out in weird position. I'm not worried for my health or anything I was just curious if anyone had an idea for why my prolapse is coming out this way?

    Since usually from what I've seen most peoples prolapses come out in a different way.

  3. Long story short I wasn't very careful when I first stared out prolapsing and now when my prolapse is really starting to grow it feels like it's being held back by my swollen ass lips.

    Basically anytime I strain for too long my ass lips go purple and get swollen and after awhile they go away. Example Here Swollen Lips Video  This is a video from about 15 months ago when I really started getting into prolapsing, in which you can see my lips are not that bad compared to now. Fast forwards to now and even though I have a much larger prolapse I can't pushing it out unless I move my swollen lips out of the way myself, but I want to be able to push my prolapse out without having to hold anything open.

    My main questions are:

    - What is this? Is this hemorrhoids? (hemorrhoids have always been my main guess)

    - How can I work "around" or reduce my the issue with my lips so they don't get in the way of prolapsing?

  4. So recently I bought a speculum off of Amazon only to have it arrive and find out that it didn't even open past 2 inches in diameter.

    Where is a good place to buy a large speculum, more specifically one like the one hotkinkyjo uses in this video Link

    (If you can find the one she uses specifically that would be great I can't seem to find it)

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