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Everything posted by TheMadPi

  1. I agree with the above. But also from personal experience. My pressure is usually lower then yours 115/75 with a resting heart rate of 50. I run a lot and do intense cardio intervals. Never had a problem with it. Now using it excessively can cause vision damage.
  2. All in all yes, definitely worth being honest. We have been to marriage counselors and even a sex therapist who studies addiction. Apparently I am a addict? And according to one counselor I am touching in the realm of deviant behavior. Needless to say I was really offended by that and spoke with another counselor about it. He assured us that this is NOT deviant and more of a fetish. So we come to a compromise, she fist me every now and then and that's about it. No sexy talk and little intimacy. But that's what I got.
  3. It has been difficult opening up to my wife. She is a few years older then me and from a more conservative family. She will fist me, but it is never a intimate giving of my body that I want to have with another person. She is grossed out by the idea of me pushing out my prolapse and when I told her I wanted a long prolapse hanging out of me. That did not end too well. So I play and pump in the shower but she will fist me on the occasion.
  4. Excellent videos. And such a beautiful girl. It's amazing what a good camera can do to really show her prolapse!
  5. Hi, I used to have that same problem. Used huge amounts of water but could never get clean. Biggest game changers for me was. 1.Fasting for the days I wanted to play, like small breakfast and skip lunch. 2.Supplemental fiber right before bed in my diet "metamucil in pill or water form". Drinking lots of water throughout the day. 3. Taking probiotics. They are also great for keeping you regular and improve digestion. Kambucha is my favorite. All in all I can comfortably say once I really got the routine down, I am able to clean out in 2-5 minutes. Plus all of these things are healthy. Win win.
  6. I take both the liquid and capsule. Take it right before bed “when digestion is it’s most active”with 2 glasses of water.
  7. I have done fasting, liquid meals, stool softeners..... they work but not as well as METAMUCIL! This product changed my life both in pill and water solvable forms. It makes clean outs simple and fast. The main ingredient is phylum husk.
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