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About pandaballs

  • Birthday 12/31/1994

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    i'm into every anal stuff
    and i like to try new things
    i love big buttplugs and enemas

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  1. [quote name='whalloperofpud' date='11 March 2014 - 08:48 PM' timestamp='1394567305' post='1046767'] DL site appears legit, and very fast. The first file is one I have seen before with gold-colored funnel and marbles in sub's ass. The last one (an5) is also a re-up but this post is worth it for the new file hosting site alone. 2 fists up. [/quote] I'm glad you like it. Download speed is limited to ~250kb/s but multi-downloading is allowed (multiple download at once). I'm uploading all my files so there are maybe some reups. there are 239 movie files in total, so this thread will become veryyyy long and i may need 2-4 weeks to upload them all. files where encoded as AVI file which is not very efficient. i'll upload them all as MP4 which is only a quarter of space than AVI
  2. [quote name='booby' date='11 March 2014 - 06:34 PM' timestamp='1394559267' post='1046648'] Ja Pandaballs, bitte upload, bitte! [/quote] [url="http://www.rosebuttboard.com/index.php?showtopic=92862"]elm-world thread[/url]
  3. In this thead i'll upload all my favourite movies/clips For hosting i use [url="http://md5base.de"]md5base[/url], because its free and secure. At first, how its works. I will always post a this called 'fastDl' code, which you just have to copy/paste into a textbox at md5base. (Click on the fastDl button on top right) [list=1] [*]visit md5base.de [*]click on fastDl icon [*]paste Code inside box [*]click submit [*]wait prox 2-30 sec for download to start (server-side decrypting may take a while! please be patient.) [/list] [size="5"]Threesome plus [b]anal [/b]fisting[/size] [size="3"](4p.mp4)[/size] [code]OGEyYzk0N2U0Mjc2OWEyYTViOTgxM2UwMWIyMzM5MWVkYTA1ZjkxOHx5cFNmQXJrTDFQOHVDb3drfDRwLm1wNA==[/code] [size="5"]Threesome plus [b]vaginal [/b]fisting[/size] [size="3"](4p2.mp4)[/size] [code]MThmMDA1NTE3NTZkNGQ5ZTAwOWVhMDkxNTk2YzFlZTAxYzljNmJjZXx5V3hUekJWaWQ5SmlsS1AwfDRwMi5tcDQ=[/code] [size="5"]Huge glass dildo [b]vaginal[/b][/size] [size="3"](ak1.mp4)[/size] [code]YTQ1NWViZDU2ZWM0MWUzYWU3NzJkYWIzMDE0YzhmMmQ0Yzg0MTU5Y3xnWVBYdjhUbzZxVjR5SmNLfGFrMS5tcDQ=[/code] [size="5"]Speculum [b]anal[/b][/size] [size="3"](al1.mp4)[/size] [code]MTA4OWFiZDljYzFiMmY1NGU5NTY5NGY2MDFkZTc1NGEwM2EwZTI1Y3x2NUR6UUMzc3hEcnBKbzFUfGFsMS5tcDQ=[/code] [size="5"]Multiple dildos [b]anal[/b][/size] [size="3"](al2.mp4)[/size] [code]MDVlYjBkYjVjYWIwOTNlZTlkOGRjNzU0NDYwZmQyYTIyMzIwMDI1YnxOTWxWUHB1VUN3cEdMTW43fGFsMi5tcDQ[/code] [size="5"]Fisting [b]anal[/b] and [b]vaginal[/b][/size] [size="3"](an1.mp4)[/size] [code]N2ZjMmEyN2Q1OWQyMThhZTk0ZDAwNTUyOTMyYTkwNWE5YjlmODc0NXx6cGlUN3RHeDluRTNmZUcyfGFuMS5tcDQ=[/code] [size="5"]Fisting [b]anal[/b][/size] [size="3"](an2.mp4)[/size] [code]MjY5YmI4NmFiODE0NDg0NTdkZTQyMjNhMmQ2NDg3YzZiNmUxNDdkY3xtNWFvdm8zMXNReGJSR2JSfGFuMi5tcDQ[/code] [size="5"]Fisting [b]anal[/b][/size] [size="3"](an3.mp4)[/size] [code]MjdiOTVhMzM1ZjE2YWI4NjAxMDk0NmI1NzMzZWRlODk3ZThmZGI5ZXxqU2NOVFNxVDduR1VIT0tkfGFuMy5tcDQ[/code] [size="5"]Fisting [b]anal[/b][/size] [size="3"](an4.mp4)[/size] [code]OGI0N2E2YmQyMTRkNTFiN2NiZTJiM2Y5MTA3MTg2YmVjMTRmODM5MnxMc2lSbVNHYWNzZVVFYXQ2fGFuNC5tcDQ=[/code] [size="5"]Fisting [b]anal[/b] latex ball insertion[/size] [size="3"](an5.mp4)[/size] [code]YWU2MzRmYzZmM2Q4ODgwYWE2YTY4ZDFiMzEyNTljMjY4ZmU1ZTE2ZHxJcHZRNk1TaG5lZFJDMEx0fGFuNS5tcDQ[/code] [size="5"]Big buttplug dildo and fisting [b]anal[/b][/size] [size="3"](an7.mp4)[/size] [code]upload later[/code] [size="5"]Rough apple [b]anal[/b] insertion #1[/size] [size="3"](ap2.mp4)[/size] [code]NDljYWMwMmIyZjc2OWNlYzlkMGU2ZTg2M2U2OGI3Mjg0ZGZlZjQzNnxyZDg5OXM5Unp6WGNwS2Y0fGFwMi5tcDQ[/code] [size="5"]Rough apple [b]anal[/b] insertion #2[/size] [size="3"](ap3.mp4)[/size] [code]YmEzMWEwY2Q4YjUwZTQ3NjFjYzU2NTUxNmJiYWM5NGRiMDQzM2ZjNHx1bVVCQ0RYQnozSHRYcDR2fGFwMy5tcDQ[/code] [size="5"][b]anal[/b] Bumbles #1[/size] [size="3"](bd1.mp4)[/size] [code]ZjZmN2Y3Njk2OGI4Mjg0M2E2OTE5ZjUxYmM5Mjg3YjFmYzZmMmI3YnxBSllXTjZmZ0hRN2F1UFFCfGJkMS5tcDQ=[/code] [size="5"][b]anal[/b] Bumbles #2[/size] [size="3"](bd2.mp4)[/size] [code]OTMyNDQ5MjhiM2Q0MTNjZGU0ZjIzYWNmMzUzY2UwMTNjMjIyOTgzOXxPNlM5ZnhqbFk2eWhFbUdpfGJkMi5tcDQ[/code] [size="5"]Big speculum [b]anal[/b][/size] [size="3"](chi1.mp4)[/size] [code]NjFiYzk0NDY2OWExZjE1N2JlMjIzZjgxNDNiZmZjYjIxYTBmZDg5ZHxTNW1aR3djWnF1UXE3eDlEfGNoaTEubXA0[/code] [size="5"]Dildo and Vibrator [b]anal[/b][/size] [size="3"](co2.mp4)[/size] [code]YWFmY2Q4MmFkNTI1YjM0MWY5MWFhNWNhMzZjM2JmMWNkYjZiNjdhY3xURHhIMkx0ckxxanA2MkJWfGNvMi5tcDQ[/code] [size="5"]Multiple Dildos [b]anal[/b][/size] [size="3"](co3.mp4)[/size] [code]MDdhYzUyYTZkMjc0ODU4MjY1ODRmMjZlOTVlODRiMzhmZWViZjkwYnx6NXJKMzdjZnJ1QWp0aDBPfGNvMy5tcDQ[/code] [size="5"]Multiple Dildos [b]anal[/b] latex[/size] [size="3"](co5.mp4)[/size] [code]NGY1NWMwNDM0Yzc3MDRmMWI0MmE5ZDZiYzA1MDQxZGU3NmU0MGRkY3xhbUNtZkZPenpoTTByVW1VfGNvNS5tcDQ[/code] [size="5"]Speculum living eels [b]anal[/b] #1[/size] [size="3"](d3.mp4)[/size] [code][/code] [size="5"]Speculum living eels [b]anal[/b] #2[/size] [size="3"](d4.mp4)[/size] [code]ZjI4ZDAwZmVlNGYzMGUzN2E1NDdjODg1MWMxN2M1NjFiNjU2OGE2ZHwzaHQzcmFzNWNjbVJYam5wfGQ0Lm1wNA[/code] [size="5"]Speculum living eels [b]anal[/b] #3[/size] [size="3"](d5.mp4)[/size] [code]OTE0ZDI0ZmJkNDkwODEyY2Y4N2JjZjU4ZTE0M2M5NDgzMTg0MmUwNnxOVEpQOGd4ODZRZHBtQUh1fGQ1Lm1wNA[/code] [size="5"]Speculum living eels [b]vaginal[/b][/size] [size="3"](d8.mp4)[/size] [code][/code] [size="5"]Pumping [b]anal[/b][/size] #1[size="3"](da1.mp4)[/size] [code]NmVhNDM0OTkyYzRkN2I4MTBiZGRiODZkYzY3ZWQ5ZTlhMTMwYzViZXxWRzhIMXh2bEV1c3dGZjU1fGRhMS5tcDQ[/code]
  4. [quote name='Ginger Maxim' date='07 March 2014 - 10:42 AM' timestamp='1394185374' post='1042451'] My question is HOW do I clear my bowels out so I don't have anything inside???? [/quote] i do it under the shower with a 100ml syringe. just 3-4 times and i'm clean. maybe some fingering too
  5. i have about 40gb of elm-worlds stuff may i upload this?
  6. thanks Mirror @ uploaded.net / ul.to File 1/3: http://uploaded.net/file/bv9lz0p2 File 2/3: http://uploaded.net/file/r1cl2lub File 3/3: http://uploaded.net/file/zsncz3l3
  7. [quote name='Melvin' date='25 February 2014 - 04:23 PM' timestamp='1393341809' post='1032712'] start from small pump, say 6inch circumference, which can goes into your anus, beyond the anal sphincter [/quote] please explain, i dont really understand. >small pump and > 6inch circumference the biggest i can take is about 8cm / 3.2inch EDIT: sorry i read diameter instead of circumf. now its making sense
  8. How do you prolapse? i saw most people use penis pumps i want to start that too, can you recommend any pump (pref. amazon) how does it feel?
  9. [quote name='alongeasy' date='19 February 2014 - 03:45 PM' timestamp='1392821131' post='1026926'] Messy? U can try to play with something that semi liquid. Like jelly or pudding. [/quote] sounds interesting do you wish to see pictures/video? than i'll maybe do it this weekend
  10. haha thanks i'm here since 2 days and already love it
  11. i can easily fit ~5cm (which is 2") but up to 3" does fit at all, with much lube
  12. i really like your thoughts, would definitely buy the 'digger'. would also try this lockable one, then somehow try to force myself keeping it in a few days (hiding the keys or something) and another idea, i did drill a small hole in one of my big (5cm) buttplugs, connecting a pipe from downside then i did ride it and pushed some water (or other liquids) in with a big syringe, making feel in much bigger, i did love the feel of an enema and buttplug together
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